How do you all revise?

Alchemy said:

what methods do you all use to do your revision?

I have always just tryed to memorise everything word by word, but it consumes so much time.
i don't. i'm a master at tests, so I don't have to revise (much).

what i would recommend is getting drunk and/or stoned before hand. therefore, you will vividly remember everything.
Cueball said:
i don't. i'm a master at tests, so I don't have to revise (much).

what i would recommend is getting drunk and/or stoned before hand. therefore, you will vividly remember everything.

Are you kidding, how does that work...
ElRazur said:
Are you kidding, how does that work...

becuase quite clearly he is a genius, who works well whilst intoxicated. TBH i seem to be better at maths when slightly drunk, but thats perhaps because i just dont notice im wriitng down pure rubbish :)
I never look at lecture notes. I just find a book that is good and I like, and study from that. I basically re-write everything from it I need (equations, explainations etc) and then use past exam papers/courseworks and any other university type questions to solve.
Works for me, and isnt too time consuming...
personally i note bullet points of all the important bits. I find it much easier than remembering a whole paragraph, because usually i only remember part of it in the exam and then im screwed :p
King4aDay said:
You know its funny, I havn't looked at a text book in the last 3 years of my degree, I'd forgotten all about them!

you must go to lectures then....

I just goto the first lecture of a course, get the handout summarising what is on the course, then just take books out from the library, affording me many more lie-ins by missing the 9-12 lectures.
In my experience it is very important to use the past papers to get an idea of what is likely to be examined. It might not increase your understanding of the subject as a whole, but it is very likely to result in a higher mark.
ElRazur said:
Are you kidding, how does that work...
I haven't got a clue mate! But I'll tell ya one thing, when I'm drunk I seem to remember things better than when I'm not!

Who knows, maybe I'm just weird? :p
What I did:

Copy out all the lecture notes (take a long time, Chemistry@Nottingham)
Then: Copy out again but a shorter version, focussing on the more important areas and areas you arent as strong on.
Then: Do it again until you get the content onto a couple of pieces of A4

Then and only then (and usually the night before the exam) take a look a look at past exam questions.

[Edit] Goto all the lectures (I missed only 2 hours in 4 years)
Put the hours of 9am - 11pm in with <1 hour breaks for food/rest every 3-4 hours during revision

This is one of the ways you might actually learn the content of the course instead of just what the examiners set. I do not really approve of the revise by doing all the past papers technique and then ignoring sections of the course that dont turn up/you can ignore and do the other question. Certainly there is a case for doing them before the night before but Id rather understand the course as best I can then memorise how to do a particular question.

It got me a first and a better understanding of the subject than people that focus on exam papers primarily.
Focussing on exams imo tended to be a fairly decent way to get a 2:1 which imo has such a range of abilities in it. People that scrape a 2:1 or even are mid 2:1 are often way below the ability of people that just miss out on a first. This is another thread tho :)
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I speak out important parts to teach myself.

I'll go through a page, then keep doing it until I can recite it all.

I'll then do the same with the next page, and after doing that I'll try recite the previous page to make sure it's ingrained in my memory.

I then go to the 3rd page and learn that until I can recite it.

Then recite the previous page..


Works pretty well I find, although obviously unless it's needed I only learn the important parts.
Cueball said:
I haven't got a clue mate! But I'll tell ya one thing, when I'm drunk I seem to remember things better than when I'm not!

Who knows, maybe I'm just weird? :p

Intresting, i dont drink hence my curiosity. From what i know, i think alcohol affects judgement, reasoning and coordination. Perhaps you are different or maybe it is a placebo effect and all in your mind.
By the way, i might be contacting in the future for some experimental studies,....No it wont go wrong and you wont look like the elephant man, but there is plenty of lager to drink. :D
i revise by just skim reading and then do papers.i think i have revised more in my AS maths this year then i have in my whole life :p
doing past papers is great revision so long as you have the mark scheme for afterwards but other than that i look through revision guide / exercise book / textbook typing up all the notes that i think i'll need. A few days later i'll look back at my notes and we what i understand well and what i don't, the stuff that i don't i revise more :)
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