Having a bad day

2 Jun 2004
Please tell me I'm not the only one. I know you want details, but I'm not going down that road...

Cheer me up by telling me how much your life sucks right now (especially 'today'). :)
I've got a flight at 2.50am tomorrow morning (god I hate the Delhi - Moscow schedule!). Do I try and get some sleep beforehand?? That's the biggest problem of my day!

What more do you need?

You could be a 1$ a day child labourer struggling to feed yourself, then you would have reason to post.....not that you could.
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Im going on a date tonight with a very sexy lady and staying at hers so chances are I'll be laid by the time your sleeping.

also been told passed an interview for a nice job and follow up interview next week

on an extra note just got my degree certificate through the post

and Im eating a bar of dairy milk.

life sucks ;)
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