Having a bad day

My day is going good. Free food, work is not stressfull and its Friday and therefore weekend is imminient!

Sorry for your bad day, go out and get wasted and find some woman to plough and you will be right as rain tomorrow!
Done no work and possibly getting a new uber flat tommorow. Also living with my GF and have an interview for a new job next week. Oh did i tell you that life rules. :D
Without knowing the degree to which I'm having a bad day, how do you suggest I "get a grip"?

If you give no details then (and noting where you posted it) you should probably expect rather more flippant responses than heartfelt sympathies. I'm not asking you why you've had a bad day, it is entirely up to you if you want to share but don't be surprised if people just laugh off a melodramatic opening post.
Well you are posting about your day because the thread is titled "having a bad day". In which you go onto say on line #1 "Please tell me I'm not the only one."
If you give no details then (and noting where you posted it) you should probably expect rather more flippant responses than heartfelt sympathies. I'm not asking you why you've had a bad day, it is entirely up to you if you want to share but don't be surprised if people just laugh off a melodramatic opening post.

Posting details would only result in "go cry emo kid" posts.

I guess I just can't win.
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