Personally i think its quite a good idea, especially from a work perspective.
Store all your data on googles high speed servers. A lot of software may eventually become network only, say if you need to do a spellcheck on word it connects to MS's central office servers and downloads the tool in a fraction of a second. This is already happening, we use a web based mapping system that stores all of the object components centrally, and uploads each one depending on what the user is doing.
Then you can log onto any PC in the world and work on fully live copies with your own customised version of the software. It would reduce a persons PC to nothing but a gateway device to a plethora of services, all managed centrally, reducing maintenance costs and the potential for the PC to break down, as software would not be installed locally.
Genius i tell yah, it'll happen in the future, localised workstations are going to look prehistoric.
I hope anyway