Google considers copying everything on a users HD

Beansprout said:
..... And the tinternet seems to run fine to me, far better than Brussels could run it.
Agreed. Brussels couldn't run a bonk in a knocking shop without having a pile of regulations about a foot high about it. :D
Sequoia said: a company thing .... hell will freeze over before I'd give it a second glance. It is absolutely a non-starter for me.
Yup - IT bosses are cracking down on it, just as they would with any other software of this type.

It's also worth noting that the upload feature is disabled by default, but still - Google needs to re-think their ideas methinks, especially when so many people will use these tools without understanding what they can do.
Kerplunk said:

Hard disk failure or moving to another country and not wanting to pay expensive hardware shipping costs?

Maybe it's more like having some kind of "Ghost" image on their server so you just stick in a boot disk/usb memory key then download it in an emergency? One obvious problem of course comes with privacy as no doubt they'll be required to submit users data on request from various governments.

They've already withdrawn the idea anyway according to the article.
I trust google enough tho, they seem a good company, and I don't mind this kinda targeted advertising, much better than the endless "Get Bigger BOOBS" ones I am getting atm
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