One of the best forum posts ever...

Man of Honour
Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
Not sure if this qualifies as a Motors post, but it kind of involves cars:


I'm literally crying with laughter here :D :D :D :D

(Sorry if this is deemed to be in the wrong place).
i got about 3 paragraphs into that before i had to stop my mind was hurting from trying to translate!

Nozzer said:
Hm, I still think the guy who put a sock in his M3 takes the gold medal.

whats that about?
But I have the trouble!! Initially, I am so TIRED of late! It becomes very late. I have it bad computer and I have rFACTOR run at low resolution and low colour!! I download patch of 1048 and it take it long time. I GET ANGRY AND SMASH MY INTERNET BOX. I tell you I really smash it!!! I know you think I not but I promise it smashed. I take it baseball bat that I got from gift and destruct it.

ahaha that guy rocks.

He doesn't urine now you know!

What's rFactor like as a sim? Getting a little tired of GTR, fancy a new challenge and it'd be a shame to let my momo wheel go to waste :D
haha, excellent! sounds like some of the emails the japanese and korean lecturers send me! (one of which drives a nice modified RX8)
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