Apple makes Mac run Windows XP

9 Jul 2003
BBC News Online said:
Apple has released software that lets users run Microsoft's operating system on its computers that use Intel chips.

The next computer I buy will now be an Apple laptop. I no longer game on my PC and I would like to run OSX, but would like to keep XP for some applications so I don't have to buy them again! Well done Apple
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I've just seen this :

It's a good idea , there probably are a lot of people that would buy an apple machine for the living room or somehwere as it looks nicer, but may want the reassurance of still being able to run some windows only apps.

Some of the hard core apple fanboys may feel liek they've been a bit sold out though, as basically now, apple is positioning itself as a genric x86 clone maker, but simply differentiates on design... and the fact they install their own OS on it. I see that as pretty good, but I bet a lot of hard core mac fans will be narked.
Is this just virtualisation software ala VirtualPC or is it Windows running natively on the Mac with its own partition?

If it's the latter then it's a great move by Apple.

Edit: Never mind. It looks like it IS native. That's well nice :D

Shame I can't afford a nice noew Apple laptop.
Apple said:
"Apple has no desire or plan to sell or support Windows, but many customers have expressed their interest to run Windows on Apple's superior hardware now that we use Intel processors," Philip Schiller, Apple senior vice president of worldwide product marketing, said in a statement.

I have never had a mac, how much "superior" is it than a normal pc?
I find that Apple's fit and finish is second to none and it is all very throughtfully designed. I'd never get revision A of anything from them though. The early models of things seem to sometimes have skectchy build quality.

I'm writing this from a G5 iMac that I find is wonderfully designed and implemented.
thefranklin said:
Sorry, I meant how much superior is its hardware?

Well if you mean from an overclockers/spec geek point of view then it's pretty standard stuff really.

It's the way it's designed that makes the difference though. It's all incredibly reliable stuff and it looks pretty tasty too.
Ok last burning question.

Would Oblivion still crash on it?

(that's a joke. Don't remember what thread it was on, but someone stated that Oblivion should be the new prime95)
thefranklin said:
Sorry, I meant how much superior is its hardware?

Well the PowerPC based Mac's were beautiful on the inside as well as on the outside, but it seems the Intel versions have got a bit sloppy in terms of internal build quality. On the component side of things well I am not sure about chipsets as they might have been designed specifically for Mac but they might be the latest ones from intel to support the core dual/solo cpu's. All I do know is Mac are fantastic machines and once you have got used to OSX you will find it very very good! And will dual boot you can carry on using windows till you decide which you like best.
spirit said:
but it seems u can't just have windows, u must have tiger too?

If you just want to run windows, why on earth would you buy a mac? If it's just a windows PC you're looking for, you get much better value going elsewhere.
Thanks gobbo.

BillytheImpaler said:
OS X is fan-bloody-tastic once you get acclamated.

So if OSX is that good, and we can run windows on a mac, what about osx on a pc now?

NathanE said:
Macs use an ultra-modern industry standard technology called EFI to handle booting. Sadly, Windows XP, and even the upcoming Vista, are stuck in the 1980s with old-fashioned BIOS. But with Boot Camp, the Mac can operate smoothly in both centuries.
Conveniently they don't mention that Vista x64 supports EFI just fine.

Using standard logic, soon?
I bought a MacBook Pro last week while in the US on holiday. Went looking at laptop while I was there, specifically the Core Duo's. Choice was a bit bobbins at the usual retail places - couple of Sony and Acer units only. Omitting the useless ones with integrated graphics left a small Sony with a switchable GMA950/GeForce 7400 option and a desktop replacement Acer. The Sony had me mildly interested but has a lousy keyboard which reminded me of the Spectrum+. Oh and the discounts were small as I wasn't eligable for the obligitary mail in US rebate...

Went wandering around the local mall (my mate's Mrs was looking for shoes!) and there was an Apple Store... went in to check prices on the iPod Nano and had a play with the MacBook Pro. It's a nice laptop and it was really quite nippy in general use with the iLife apps. Price was the same as the Sony and the spec was higher. It's far more stylish, the build quality is very good and it's got a decent keyboard :). Went back a couple of days later and bought a 1.83Ghz version and RAM for £250 less than here...

From what I can work out the MacBook Pro is very much a standard Core Duo laptop with an important exception - the tradional BIOS is replaced by the new EFI standard. It's using the standard 945 chipset and a PCIe ATI X1600. Not sure about the other bits like Ethernet and Wireless yet.

I've just updated to OS 10.4.6 and installed Boot Camp. The Drivers CD is burnt and XP is installing as I type...
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