marrying your cousin?!

18 Oct 2002
Southampton, Hampshire
heard it on the radio (i think it was power fm) about this woman who married her cousin because they 'fell in love'. apparently its legel in this country too :eek:

distant relatives okay thats understandable but surely any normal person should have alarm bells ringing in their heads warning them away with doing such things surely.

the discussion went as far as the woman talking about the genetic tests they both had in case they decided to have offspring. i actually sat in my car on the drive for 10mins listening to her giving her reasons and she didnt manage to convince me what she was going was "right" ... all in the name of love huh. next you'll be telling me people are marrying their pets/animals....
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A girl in my school had parents who were cousins i believe :confused: Is a bit strange as its pretty close family really. Something just outside of ya own i.e parents and sisters/bro. What ever floats ya boat i suppose.
Crispy Pigeon said:
Nope, you can legally marry your first cousin. I can't say I'd want to, but if they're happy then that's fine.

For real?

****eyes up the photo of my sexy cousin in the family photo album***
ElRazur said:
For real?

****eyes up the photo of my sexy cousin in the family photo album***

Yeah, just don't have kids unless you want them to die of hemophilia like most of the sons in royal families of Europe.
Crispy Pigeon said:
Yeah, just don't have kids unless you want them to die of hemophilia like most of the sons in royal families of Europe.

Hopefully there will be a cure soon. Who cares anyway, we are in love lol.
What about civil partnetships if you only have the same sex cousins.

Whats the law on this.

(not that I want to use it :p )

POB said:
What about civil partnetships if you only have the same sex cousins.

Whats the law on this.

As there would be no children, I can't see there being a problem with it.

POB said:
(not that I want to use it :p )

Of course.

I wish you every happiness. :)
when you have kids do the children have :

Dad / Uncle

Mum /Auntie

Auntie mum can you tell uncle dad to let me watch tele
My aunty married her cousin 30 years ago. I have no idea why though because he is a complete and utter idiot and they split up about 15 years ago.
Sanzy said:
when you have kids do the children have :

Dad / Uncle

Mum /Auntie

Auntie mum can you tell uncle dad to let me watch tele

lol That would only make sense if you married your brother or sister.
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