Why does cat wee smell so bad?



26 Jun 2005
It has to be one of the worst most strongest smelling of all wees.
I woke up today and came out into the dinning room and there was and still is a strong smell of cat wee. Its terrible. One of the cats must have decided to wee on something out here during the night and i dont know where :eek:
Why is it so strong and so bad?
Adz said:
It's for marking territory :).


Its done a damm good job of it too, i can hardly sit out in the room :(
I thought it was only male cats that mark there territory :confused:
We only have girls
lol my cat couldnt get out once - it used to sleep in my parents room and be able to get out the window, but for some reason my dad closed it (like a fan window) he eventually woke up to the cat peeing on his chest :D

Funny times when you literally see a cat go flying past your room at 4am and your dad screaming

Cat wee does stink. Bad.

Once upon a time when I lived at home, I was sat at the PC in the cupboard in my room. My cat Jock was in there as per usual and we were both minding our own business. That is until I hear this 'Pssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhh' sound, upon which I look down and see Jock looking up at me with an 'Alright mate'? expression on his face as he procedes to continue urininating about a foot from where I'm sitting. It soaked through the carpet, into the floorboard and stank out my PC cupboard for about 4 months :mad:

The same cat took it upon himself to wee all over the back seat of my car on the way to the vets too. Now that was nasty.
McDaniel said:
lol my cat couldnt get out once - it used to sleep in my parents room and be able to get out the window, but for some reason my dad closed it (like a fan window) he eventually woke up to the cat peeing on his chest :D

Funny times when you literally see a cat go flying past your room at 4am and your dad screaming
Best laugh all week! :D:D
Its funny that a tom cat sneaked into my house today and squirted on my curtains and it was really really bad my cat (a queen) kept going over and sniffing it, it seems to stick to your clothes aswell.
It's a horrible smell, especially from male cats. We had a knock on our front door about 8 years ago from our new Canadian neighbours. Apparently the dad had cleaned his brand new red Mercedes and left one of the windows open to air out the inside of the car, but our cat had climbed in and slept in it during the night. But he left a present in the car for them, as he must have marked his territory a few times. We felt really bad and every time we ever seen them out and about in the car the windows were always down even during the winter.
We had a stray cat in are garden which we feed and it started to come in the house then one night it was raining hard so let it stay in and have the run of the house, woke up the next day walked into my sisters room only to find it had done a poo on her bed "lucky she was out that night"

One on right

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Once I was getting ready to go on a hiking trip with the University Hiking Society. First trip of the year so I knew I would be meeting a lot of new people.. so, I got all my stuff ready and went to get my bag from out the spare room.

As soon as I picked the bag up I knew summat wasn't quite right. I then dropped the bag on the floor, and the rush of air that came out of it very nearly made me throw up lol. Goodamn cat decided to widdle in my hiking day sack!

Threw the thing in the washing machine and it still stank. Must have used half a bottle of Fabreeze before the smell went away!

I think i just steped in it :(
I walked over a mat and it felt really sticky.
Only time will tell i supose. Mums searching for it now
Cat urine stinks so bad because it is concentrated liquified evil. Cats are the devils pawns on the earth and they spread their evil by slashing everywhere.
Scuzi said:
Cat urine stinks so bad because it is concentrated liquified evil. Cats are the devils pawns on the earth and they spread their evil by slashing everywhere.

Yah... had cats for years and Im inclined to agree. Only the spawn of Satan can get away with looking all cute mere seconds after disembowling a mouse/weeing in the lounge/knocking expensive ornament on floor/scratching sofa/etc

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