Why does cat wee smell so bad?

Cats will also pee where they (or another cat) has previously pee'd and this can be years after the original pee'age.

Best bet is to head off to a pet store - they do special sprays and cleaning stuff that means the cat won't go back to that spot again, otherwise you could end up with a permanently damp situation
SiriusB said:
Threw the thing in the washing machine and it still stank. Must have used half a bottle of Fabreeze before the smell went away!


Yet, phenylacetic acid is easily absorbed by just about anything, even polythene. However, it's a LOT harder to get the smell back out again. Unless you really like the clothes affected my advice is just to burn them.

BTW, a tom manages all that with about a two drops of the stuff in their urine. We once had a case that involved several 25 litre drums of the stuff.

McDaniel said:
lol my cat couldnt get out once - it used to sleep in my parents room and be able to get out the window, but for some reason my dad closed it (like a fan window) he eventually woke up to the cat peeing on his chest :D

Funny times when you literally see a cat go flying past your room at 4am and your dad screaming

Scuzi said:
Cat urine stinks so bad because it is concentrated liquified evil. Cats are the devils pawns on the earth and they spread their evil by slashing everywhere.

Le_Petit_Lapin said:
Why did you have several 25 litre drums of Cat Pee? :confused:
Comedy Gold! :D

I found my ex's ginger tom had piddled all over the bed during the night.
Not the nicest way to wake up! :eek:
Le_Petit_Lapin said:
Why did you have several 25 litre drums of Cat Pee? :confused:

I was talking about the active ingredient (phenylacetic acid) not cat urine as a whole! It's used as a precurser, which is why we had the stuff. The methylamine we had from another case smelt worse though - it's the smell given off by rotting fish, and I had a whole jug of it.

My old cat (died years ago at 19) didnt mind traveling in cars and would just sit on a lap for the journey. But on the way back from the vets one time it decieded to sit on my dads lap and unleash his bladders full potential. It was soo funny as there was nothing you could do in a moving car and my dad didnt want to get the urine on the car seats :D

There is only one thing worse than cat pee/pooh and that is when they get old and cant properly digest food. This coupled with bad/no control of digestive systems means you get some HORRIBLE suprises on your carpet out of nowhere. You could still smell it for about half a year afterwards :(

The worst bit was the cat seemed to get what was happening just before it started and begin running for the door to get outside - which just spread it in multiple rooms!! I couldnt really shout at the cat for it, because it wasnt really his fault.
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