PC Restarts ?? Lack of Power/Volts/CPU/MEMORY ?

19 May 2006
Basically when im on my pc, after about 30 mins or so, OR using more than 1 programme on my pc, it suddenly shuts down and restarts...

its as if my pc is lacking cpu power,,,

this is strange i have a 2000xp amd with 2 gig ddr 2100

its only just started to happen, eg in the past 5 days, but its getting worse...

Even opening programmes like microsoft word , can kill my pc ...

What could the problem be ?
Any software i can downlaod to do a system check ?

please please help if you can, really appreciate it

thanx in advance

Lee Drummond
I thought it was my cpu temp... but last night i managed to bring down the temp from 68 degrees to 45.

cpu fan temp is at 45 degrees, and its still cutting out ...

Sounds like the power supply. Download Speedfan to see what your PSU voltages are like on the 3.3v, 5v and 12v rail if you haven't already got a program that reports these.

If the PSU voltages look okay try running it with one stick of RAM in place and then add one more at a time until the problem re-occurs or run Memtest86 on it. The former to work out what stick of memory is causing the problem if it is the RAM.

Hope this helps.
Are you overclocking?

run this through and next time it should come up wiht a blue screen instead.

Right click my computer
Advanced Tab
Startup and Recovery settings
Untick automatically restart.

If it comes up wiht a bluescreen scibble down what it says at the top and post back.

hey all, cheers for all your support so far. i think i may have just pin pointed the problem....

wiggled a stick of ram and it cut off my pc.. it didnt take much of a wiggle for it to switch off...

i have now taken all memory out and began process of elimination.. so i will place a stick bit by bit
I would put it back in. could have just not been seated correctly.
Put them both in and run Memtest+ if you dont experience any problems.

i unchecked the restart button, and got this error message ...

Did you get that BSOD with one stick of RAM installed or all 2GB? If you tried it with one stick did it still come up with that BSOD.

Does sound very like some of the RAM is dodgy.
Wow! This is exactly the same bluescreen/problem I get.

I thought it was random to begin with but I managed to discover why I got them. I've got a network of 3 pcs in my house and this pc (the one that bluescreens) shares the internet connection. I found out that when I turned on one of the other pcs and then try to do anything on the internet or that requires an internet connection (like virus updates, windows updates etc), this computer (the one that shares the internet) would flash up that blue screen for half a second and then reboot. If I disable internet sharing on this pc then its fine and I can share files across the network and play games etc from one pc to the other but when the internet is being shared I instantly get this blue screen.

I'm not sure whether theres something wrong with this pc because when I use the other (3rd) pc in the network and use the internet on it through this pc it's fine, no problems. It's only when I turn on the 2nd pc and use the internet that this one crashes.

I don't really know much about this seemingly network side of pcs but if you (threadstarter) recently setup a home network and are sharing the internet then that could be why.

Any help greatly appreciated :)
I've been having an issue like that lately. Although my voltages appear to be fine, I'm convinced it is the power supply. The crashes are totally random, and not when the processor or RAM is at 100% load. I've ran prime95 for a couple of hours with no crashes or problems, but sometimes i'll leave my desktop for a few minutes and it will have blue-screened.
i got that blue screen with a stick of 512 in one slot...

I also need to correct myself, i only do have 1024 mem, as ive got 2x256 aswell as the 512

I got that blue screen whe ni activated " Spread Spectrum" in my bios ....
the blue screen appeared as soon as windows had loaded, so i restarted, and disabled it,, and ive had it running all day so far an its not yet cut out ( fingers crossed )
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daz said:
I've been having an issue like that lately. Although my voltages appear to be fine, I'm convinced it is the power supply. The crashes are totally random, and not when the processor or RAM is at 100% load. I've ran prime95 for a couple of hours with no crashes or problems, but sometimes i'll leave my desktop for a few minutes and it will have blue-screened.

The RAM doesn't have to be under any substantial load for it to crash, don't rule out RAM just because of this.

I was having similar problems and also got that exact blue screen. I changed my GeIL Value RAM for some Corsair Value RAM and the problem is all fixed up.
Yep, aslong as you have told your PC to create a dump file by following the instructions in the link I gave you.

Once your PC has crashed the PC will write problem down in the directory listed on that site (C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Dr Watson\user.dmp) and then it's a simple case of opening it with the program in the link and then pasting everyine from it on their site.

Good luck and let me know how things go...
not yet mate, it hasnt crashed since ive put the 1 stick of 512 in ....

lol typical jsut when i want it to crash it wont.... ill be leaving pc on all day though so something might happen by tonight...

however i am noticing a lot of websites arent loading, or seem to be making my cpu work a lot...... when i say work a lot, it makes a higher pitch sound when i access websites...

im trying to look for any more viruses or spyware, but pc cillin says my system in clean... can you reccomend any FREE adware / spyware / virus scanner for me to check ?
The could be the PSU fan spinning faster as the CPU is under load, does the higher pitch sound, sound like that's where its coming from?
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