So, BF2 is used for terrorist recruitment now

LOL thats hilarious and also as ridiculous as you can really get, they are getting a little paranooid,.... what abot cs:s ? lots of clans out there.
salmon said:
LOL thats hilarious and also as ridiculous as you can really get, they are getting a little paranooid,.... what abot cs:s ? lots of clans out there.

Pentagon Spokesman "Yes, terrorists are... logging on to CS:S and using it as a recruitment tool to... condition young people into wanted to plant explosives and place rags upon their heads... you have to pay a monthly subscription and... insert the code that terrorists give you"
I can see where congress is coming from, if the videos are being used against their original purpose, attempting to make little Billy into a jihadist then there is a problem.
However, it just seems to be a sensationalist bit of news and I don't think anyone takes it seriously. I mean the UN could have had a go at EA & DICE for encouraging the american youth to join the USAF and go carpet bombing.
What i don't understand is how its not the other way around..

American kids conditioned to kill arabs and joining the army becuase of it... :rolleyes:
reflex said:
What i don't understand is how its not the other way around..

American kids conditioned to kill arabs and joining the army becuase of it... :rolleyes:

I think you meant terrorist and NOT arabs.
At least the news report was unbiased and it showed both sides of the story. Although I find it hard to believe that terrorists would use a video with dialog from Team America to recruit members :D
reflex said:
What i don't understand is how its not the other way around..

American kids conditioned to kill arabs and joining the army becuase of it... :rolleyes:
America has been using games as a recruitment tool for years. America's Army is a free game made by the US military where you have to fight terrorists (I think both teams see the other team as terrorists).
I think this is the funniest thing I've seen all year.

Pay $25 for a mod to let you fight the coalition forces? LMAO! :D

I wonder how much these so called experts get paid to come up with this sort of crap :rolleyes:
ElRazur said:
I think you meant terrorist and NOT arabs.

In one of the expansions there's an insurgent team, but in the original version of BF2 it's just the "Middle East Coalition" which has nothing to do with terrorists.
Phil99 said:
In one of the expansions there's an insurgent team, but in the original version of BF2 it's just the "Middle East Coalition" which has nothing to do with terrorists.

Oh i see, never played it before but im sure they wont label arab as terrorist.
William said:
Neither, its the indingenous population of the Middle-East. Arab is not politically correct.

What's with the PC madness? i was just trying to make a point.

So for next time, what do i call them? Someone of M.E origin i guess. :)
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