So, BF2 is used for terrorist recruitment now

The guy is lying through his TEETH

honestly, saying "theres an add on that was made that allows you to play as an insurgeant" its from EA games and is all part of the original unmodified game Dip****. people like that feally annoy the **** out of me.
I wonder if the said terrorists can bunny hop and dolphin dive. They should be a brilliant shot with the AT gun for shooting at infantry too :p
Looks like their research actually managed to miss out any contact with the people who actually play the game. I mean where did the add on pack costing $25 come from? It simply doesn't exist. The special forces expansion was released by EA, the same company as distributed the main game and the speaker made the point that the expansion was made by someone else, who?

Would they have based the invasion of Iraq on this game? I do hope that committee is hauled over the coals before they do any more damage to their own governments credibility.

BTW the first game of this type was made by the American Army with over 6,000,000 insurg...I mean registered users, how did they miss that one?
as Bill Hicks said:

"go back to sleep America, your government is in control... here... watch more episodes of cops and American Gladiators"

BTW the first game of this type was made by the American Army with over 6,000,000 insurg...I mean registered users, how did they miss that one?

Actually it was the Desert Combat mod for The original battlefield that first featured rag hea... i mean insurgeant forces...
locutus12 said:
Actually it was the Desert Combat mod for The original battlefield that first featured rag hea... i mean insurgeant forces...

I was a beta tester for that game w00t :p
At first I laughed my head off at their idiocy (the House Intelligence Commitee - what an oxymoron eh?:p), but then I started thinking about this, and I'm sure it's all part of a cunning US plan to censor the internet for the purposes of national security. Be glad we don't live there!
manveruppd said:
At first I laughed my head off at their idiocy (the House Intelligence Commitee - what an oxymoron eh?:p), but then I started thinking about this, and I'm sure it's all part of a cunning US plan to censor the internet for the purposes of national security. Be glad we don't live there!

they control a lot of the net, if they block sites at the sources, chances are we wont be able to see them either.
That really is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever seen.

The best part is where he kept on going on about how it was a 3rd-party mod, and refused to admit that it was EA who made the game.
looooool brilliant this is how i learnt to fly an F14 so be warned people im coming for you all! I have a clan to back me up the world is doomed :cool:
» Was BF2 Terrorist Mod Footage Just A Fan Film?

Earlier this month the Reuters news agency reported that a US Congressional panel was being told that mods for EA's multiplayer shooter Battlefield 2 were being made by Islamic militants to recruit new contacts and shown a video proving those claims. Now Game Politics is reporting that the footage shown to the committee of the "mod" might have been just footage of the Special Forces expansion pack for the game with some voice overs lifted from, believe it or not, the puppet themed satirical movie Team America World Police. Gane Politics also has posted an email interview with the reported creator of the video who goes by the name of "Sonic Jihad", a Muslim based in Holland who claimed he was just trying to make a fan film. So far neither the committee nor the group who made the presentation, the San Diego based Science Applications International Corp., have commented on where they got the video.
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