The case here is another standard which will not last. More headache and expense for the end user. It's like punishing ["screwing" to be exact] people who've placed their hard-earned money and time to allow a commercial entity to flourish. So, why not 10,000 insertions? These things happen not only because we want others to do our thinking for us, we are actually encouraning them to do so when we don't voice objections that are valid.
They've allowed 2 space shuttles to drop from the sky [and more "accidents" will follow], so what is a little 50-insertions and whose "insertion" is it, btw. Just because someone with "credentials" opens his [usually empty] mind with the backup of "this & that", doesn't mean we should read it. We should always rebel but with a cause. That's why the only “thing” that will last is Truth, not someone's/corporate body’s/standards committee’s idea thereof for those ideas are always based on commercial [read: greed] considerations. Yes Blue-Ray vs HD and HD TV standards & RIAA. These are just ideas to churn amortised investments.
So, "stirring the muck" is the way forward. Nature does that all the time for comforts are addictions which are the results of letting others do our thinking for us. How I wish I can "convince" everyone with a bank account in the whole wide world to just let me have one miserable penny of their money. No skin off their backs, is it? Now, when that is accomplished, what’s next? Put my willy-nilly here-there-and-everywhere.? Sure, but what after that? C’mon, another penny is still no skin off everybody’s back, is it? People are just too miserly and ignorant, aren’t they?
Stirring the muck, or Evolution, is not to stand still but going forward and going forward does not mean larger/weirder “sci-fi” like brains, or technology, or greeney looney “correctness” nonsense. Those are merely going round-and-round [cyclical] events. All errors and troubles are to alert us to our higher awareness and not to alert us to another screwing opportunity, allowing us to amass more of anything. Anybody who is “pro” anything is wrong. ANYTHNG. Why? Because all that we need, knowledge, meaning of existence, beauty, Absolute Truth, etc, etc, are within the normal, typical human being [and there are quite a few who looks human but aren’t]. When we stop engaging on the outside [ie not actually stopping but not allowing “outside” events to influenced & unbalanced us – to witness and not to judge/act/react], we will find all the answers inside. And that includes “dynamic” illnesses [in fact this is the first “bounty” we’ll received/become]. We’ll soon “see” what all the quackery is about. Yes, the kraken that blair unleashed by comforting “doctors” with a £100k/annum wage to have saturdays off through “new”, “improved” management methodology, is another prime example of “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing”. Knowledge is potential power. We have to become the knowledge, not own it and “onwership” is about believing in a potential. Believing what others tell us as opposed to our innateness which all humans have. Innately, we know it is incorrect to introduce poisons into our body, but EVERYONE is doing just that and “doctors”, those pimps for the pharmaceutical industry, are leading the vanguard. “Physican, heal thyself” ... first.