Currently, i've ~800gb of data spread accross half a dozen drives, and its in a right mess. Additionally, I've no backup of a large portion of the data.
My plan is to shell out about £500 on a RAID5 Array, built around 320gb Seagate SATA Disks. Having not build an array on a proper scale before (only raid0 onboard stuff), Im hoping to garner some advice
What Card?
I was thinking about a 4 port card... with 4 disks, if a drive falls over, I can power down the array until i get a spare in there, its not time-critical data.
Howerver I was then thinking about expansion in future, and wondering if its possible to just add drives to a raid5 array & increase the space? so perhaps an 8 port card might work better?
The other reason for an 8 port is a hot spare, if this is a really good idea.
Basically, i need to secure my data, and improving read speeds is a bonus too. Am I going about it the right way?
My plan is to shell out about £500 on a RAID5 Array, built around 320gb Seagate SATA Disks. Having not build an array on a proper scale before (only raid0 onboard stuff), Im hoping to garner some advice
What Card?
I was thinking about a 4 port card... with 4 disks, if a drive falls over, I can power down the array until i get a spare in there, its not time-critical data.
Howerver I was then thinking about expansion in future, and wondering if its possible to just add drives to a raid5 array & increase the space? so perhaps an 8 port card might work better?
The other reason for an 8 port is a hot spare, if this is a really good idea.
Basically, i need to secure my data, and improving read speeds is a bonus too. Am I going about it the right way?