201-2006 - Project log, CM case mod comp 2006

22 Dec 2004
Southampton, UK
Name of mod: 201-2006 Theme: Back to the Future

Cooler Master products I have used

  • ATC 201c-SX1 Case
  • Real Power 450w PSU
  • Optical Drive Bezel
  • White Cold Cathodes
  • Blue LED fans
  • Praetorian front I/O (USB/Firewire/Audio) from CM Parts shop
  • Drive Blanks from CM Parts shop
  • Light Conduct lens from CM Parts Shop
  • PCI blanks from CM Parts shop

Description of Case

For this mod I am using and old CM ATCs 201c-SX1 case that when purchased was in a bit of a mess and used for spare parts initially, the top panel was marked where something (possibly a radiator) was sat on top, scratches to the front and side panel as well as various parts missing.

Background to this modification

I currently have a 201b-SX1 holding my main computer. This computer sits on the floor giving easy access to the optical drive bays but more difficult access to the front I/O ports being close to the floor and also leads trailing across the drive bays. Ideally I would have the case sat on the desk with pride of place however I find access to the optical drive quite difficult.

In my opinion the ATCs range of cases are the ultimate in style and build quality. So with this in mind I decided to give the old battered unloved 201 a new lease of life and try to incorporate my requirements bringing it into the future!

This it the first modding of this kind I have ever done – prior mods have been simple change of fans and changing Power LEDs

Let the modding begin

Firstly pictures of the poor old, battered and unloved case:

All but one 3.5” bay blank missing, As you can see there are marks on the front of the case where the scratches have been sanded out and the anodising has been sanded away. You can also see the original I/O with just two USB ports

Marks on the top of the case, Holes in the back of the case and the missing PCI Covers

Side panels removed

New Drive bay blanks arrive

With new drive blanks in place to hold the internal drive bay structure together, de-riveting happens – it’s all in pieces now!

Time to start putting it back together; the top and bottom panel have been swapped around to turn the case upside down

With the frame back together I discovered that some adjustments needed to be made so that the panels would fit back on correctly, so masking tape and red pen at the ready I marked off where I needed to cut so that the panels would fit again. New cuts have been made

Due to the age of this case (I think it must have been one of the first 201s) there is no PSU mounting bracket. Imagine my horror to find that the PSU was a really tight squeeze between the drive bay chassis and the PSU bay chassis – so tight in fact that I scratched all the side and sticker on the PSU trying to get it in and out – Now are the new PSUs bigger? Or was it my riveting back together that caused the problem, I’ll never know!

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So next job was to make the insertion of the PSU much easier by removing some of the frame. All marked up for cutting. Most of the PSU cage removed

In order to bring the case a little more into the future I decided to add dual fans on the motherboard tray. Fan position marked and holes drilled all be it a little wonky, time to cut! All roughly cut out. And all cleaned up to the best of my ability.

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Next onto the top panel, with the motherboard tray now being near the top of the case the top panel would have to be taken off to get the motherboard try out. Marking up of the part that needs to be removed. Cutting done. Top panel back in place and you can see the motherboard is now free to slide in and out without having to remove the top panel

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Some adjustments also needed to be made to the side panels to avoid the rivets so they could close properly.

New holes in the chassis were needed for the thumb-screws that hold the panels in place, cue some drilling

Holes in place and then for some tapping of the holes

While all this modding was going on I decided on what’s happening with the side panel, I wanted the ATCS logo cut out of the side and a piece of acrylic inserted from the rear to protrude out the side, this would then be lit from behind.

Due to my dremel/jigsaw skills lacking, and the fact that I thought it was too complex to even attempt, as anything other than spot on accuracy would look pants, I decided to send the side panel off for CNC routeing (many thanks to Signs Express Grimsby)

Due to scratching the PSU I decided that I would paint it up and produce some new stickers for it. Scratches and old sticker

Time take the fan apart, de-solder and mask up

Now on to the fun part or not – The painting!

First it was time to strip the panels and PSU casing, panels are gong well, hmm the PSU case isn’t going so well, the paint wouldn’t come off! Preparation before painting – the panels get a nice hot soapy bath

The panels are primed and all is going well, time to add some colour, the colour of choice is Plasti-kote Metallic Blue – this is where it goes wrong! The side panels start to bubble up and blister.

Very disappointed and disheartened at the prospect of having to start all over again! However the PSU cover and the Top panel are fine, and the chrome paint on the front grill looks good so it’s not all bad!

While disaster is striking the painting and I have to strip the side panels back down and start again, the front panel and all parts were sent to be polished to remove the writing and anodised blue.

On their return I am very pleased with the colour and it matches extremely well with the metallic blue paint! (Many thanks to custom colour anodising)

With the polishing and anodising removing the writing on the panel I decided to have the important info laser engraved into the panel. The layout was set up and the panel sent off to be engraved.

Some small mods while I get up the courage to start painting again! Firstly re-assembling the front I/O port with the new USB/Firewire/Audio headers

The front panel arrives back from the engravers in record time and even if I say so myself it looks fantastic! (Many thanks to Tamatec for the laser engraving) Sorry for the following poor images, I’m not so good in macro mode. Better picture later on!

Now time to let the painting begin again! This time, in my Fathers garage. First the primer goes on.

Then the colour, this time I’m going slower – as I was told I had sprayed the paint to thickly last time. So first coat

Second coat

The Light conduct Lenses arrive from the CM parts shop NL, I broke the original ones trying to remove them for the anodising. So time to put the front panel back together. Secured in place. Looking very sexy!

Now for the side panel! The panel and the acrylic, A Closer look at the Acrylic, Securing the Acrylic in place

All done!

With the arrival of my 120mm Akasa amber fan it was time to put the PSU back together. I looked on the CM website and found a PDF with details of the Real Power 450w PSU. I used this to make the artwork for the new stickers

All the bits ready to be put back together, Soldering the wires back in place – I hope it still works! Fan installed

New Sticker ready to go on, New sticker secured in place, PSU ready for action

I purchased some Billet fan grills from the USA for my mod. One for the top blowhole and two for the rear fans, but as you can see they are not quite large enough to cover the existing slots in the top panel, so that idea had to be scraped

The Billet grills were also too large for the rear fans – too small too large I can’t win!

And with the rear looking like this I wasn’t happy

So I decided to make a new back plate for the motherboard, not being able to get Aluminium at such short notice, I opted to use 2mm aluminium composite – it’s easier to work with as well. Having de-riveted the back plate from the motherboard tray I set about using it as a template and clamping it to the composite alu and cutting out.

While doing this I decided that the back plate of the motherboard should be sprayed blue to match the panels and front.

The almost finished new back plate, pictures are few and bad quality as it was very late and dark and I had to use my mobile. Fan holes still need to be drilled and 3rd coat of colour and lacquer still needs to be applied.

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