pc problems : pc frezing in desktop

18 Oct 2002
booted pc this morning, went to make a cuppa, came back and found pc had frozen on the password stage.
had to turn psu switch off and on again, i then found pc froze just before the password stage.
re-booted pc, went ito bios,found 2nd maxtor h/drive was not being detected, pain as it's me boot drive.

tried all sort of settings= nothing worked.

re-booted again and found cpu and mobo temps were way over
100 f,went to clean fluff from cpu and case fans, this made a big diff as i could now get into windows desktop,briefly.
checked maxtors via properties- were ok, both detected and had no probs.
but as soon as i use pc it freezes after 2 mins tops, so scan them via tools is a no no.

cleaning as much fluff of the pc inards help bring down a lot cpu is about 30 c instead of 55c and mobo is now down from 120 = to below 100 f.
but doing this has not helped my pc from freezing after 2 mins, please help
it's doing my nut in.
and my spelling is getting worse tna before lol :)
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hmm its possible the heat has damaged your boot drive.

make sur eyou check all yoru hdd conenctions are ok. if the heat has damaged it then seems like you gonna need a new hdd. do you have another system you can try your hdd in or a hdd you can load indows onto in your system ?
hi, my no.1 pc has sata drives, my old pc that i'm struggling with now, is of the old type, there is no way i can swap drives.
btw checked out main pc and temps have gone back up a bit.

i was thinking dust may have drove cpu crazy.

one side of pc has case off, side backing off my h/drives.
hmm well not sure what to say, the fact that the hdd could not be detected does suggest a problem in that area. allthough it is detecting it now. it could ba power supply issue or are the 2hdds on the same wire if so then maybe not as otehrone seems to be working fine. you have one of them spare you can try psu i mean ?
my sata drives have their own seperate cables.

when it frrezes, i then check bios, boot drive is sometimes missing and my 2nd maxtor gets shifted about in the pecking order, leave it for a few mins- boot into windows , 2 odd mins and it freezes.

e. Drive Health proggy says boot drive is at 50 c !
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booted up pc last night, took ages whilst doing a check dsk= 30 mins before it finished,went into desktop- 2-3 mins and it froze.
booted pc this morning and
the Health (h/drive proggy) prog says Nearest Tec is within 2 months for both h/drives
(sata 1 type).
no.1 h/drive temp 38 c, no.2 drive is 28c.

took main boot h/drive out of case and it is now running at 38c and the secondary one also is still at 28c and that's been a constant temp for both since i lasted posted. maybe it helped taking my boot drive out of the case and it's now on it's side next to the pc, drastic measure i know, but at least it's given me time to back up stuff since my last back up :)
but i guess i need a better case than my Thermaltake and new Sata h/drives ?
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