Not getting paid and redundancy - advice needed!

11 Feb 2004
Surrey, UK
My sister's just been made redundant from a retailer she works for.
Basically each store manager received an email today at 4:30 PM telling them they had all lost their jobs.

To make matters worse, pay day is tomorrow (Friday) but they've been told they will not be receiving anything (having worked a month).

The company is not in administration yet - where does she stand?

Shoseki said:
Citizen's Advice Bureau, my friend.
Yeah fair play - however there's some pretty clever people on these forums from all walks who might have been able to put my mind at ease for now.
Don't get your hopes up, but it sounds to me like it might just be a prank...

Having thought about it for a minute or two now, I'd put a bit of money on it. The lack of payment is highly suspect, as it contravenes the law, but I've never heard of a company getting rid of people by e-mail. Probably some joker with too much network access.
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Deadly Ferret said:
Don't get your hopes up, but it sounds to me like it might just be a prank...

Having thought about it for a minute or two now, I'd put a bit of money on it. The lack of payment is highly suspect, as it contravenes the law, but I've never heard of a company getting rid of people by e-mail. Probably some joker with too much network access.
I'm afraid not. Its not sudden - there has been a build up to this (for example the trucks turning up last week loaded with empty crates).
They didn't realise it would end up like this.
If I were in that position, manager of a store with access to thousands of pounds worth of stock, laid off and owed a month's salary, I'd consider drastic action...I'll say no more.
Deadly Ferret said:
If I were in that position, manager of a store with access to thousands of pounds worth of stock, laid off and owed a month's salary, I'd consider drastic action...I'll say no more.

My thoughts exactly - my computer would be going into meltdown with all the transactions on the Bay of E. And i certainly wouldn't be out of pocket ;)

Am I the only one that thinks regardless of the situation the company is in financially its well out of order (and probably ilegal) to make someone redundant through email with no notice and no pay for hours worked?

CAB imo
I presume, as store manager, she has a key to the shop? She may still to want do what Deadly Ferret hinted at. Play dumb at not having read the email or something and turn up as usual or maybe earlier.

/edit - why would trucks turn up at all if they had empty crates?
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DB_SamX said:
I presume, as store manager, she has a key to the shop? She may still to want do what Deadly Ferret hinted at. Play dumb at not having read the email or something and turn up as usual or maybe earlier.
I think the managers are trying to hold onto their keys, and will give them up on receipt of payment. Not sure how long this could last + I'm sure HQ could easily get round this. Its more of a protest than anything else.

DB_SamX said:
/edit - why would trucks turn up at all if they had empty crates?
To collect all the remaining stock. The distributors who are owed money want their goods back.
This is a real bad situation but remember kids, if caught stealing it will stay with you for years.
I'm sure if she hangs on she will get something but it will have to be put down to experience.
Its not as bad as me who has paid into a pension for 33 years and I might lose the lot.
dmpoole said:
This is a real bad situation but remember kids, if caught stealing it will stay with you for years.
I'm sure if she hangs on she will get something but it will have to be put down to experience.
Indeed, stealing the stock is a stupid idea in truth.

Its not as bad as me who has paid into a pension for 33 years and I might lose the lot.
:eek: really? :(
Its not as bad as me who has paid into a pension for 33 years and I might lose the lot.


hell yeah - its the latest thing to ensure nice big bonuses for the executive team and happy shareholders.
dmpoole said:
This is a real bad situation but remember kids, if caught stealing it will stay with you for years.
I'm sure if she hangs on she will get something but it will have to be put down to experience.
Its not as bad as me who has paid into a pension for 33 years and I might lose the lot.
They're managing to prevent their emotions from taking hold and not resorting to such acts. Losing a month's salary amounts to little when compared to a potential criminal record for theft.

I sympathise with your pension situation - my Dad's just been through the same thing and ended up with pretty much nothing. Utterly disgraceful.
In addition to the month's salary they should also be entitled to pay in lieu of notice plus the statutory redundancy payments based on length of employment.
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