Well it's taken me a long time to complete, but I've finally built my Sugo after a nightmare build.
My original intention was to build a small quiet media PC for watching DVDs, playing music and a bit of light gaming built around a Gigabyte GA-33M board, mainly due to it's on board capability. But it turned out that that board couldn't run RAM 1:1 with the FSB limiting overclocking.
In addition to that my choosen type of tubing and fittings weren't 100% compatible, Waterchill 10/8mm tubing and Alphacool 10mm push fittings. The Waterchill tubing is superb, very similar to Tygon in it's non-kink bendyness and would have greatly simplified the tube routing. The alternative is polyurethane 10/8mm tubing with similar bending capability of drink straws . The main problem is that the Waterchill doesn't actually lock into the push fitting and when bent in tight turns the tubing slightly deforms in the fitting introducing potential leak paths.
So what I ended up going for was the Asus P5K-VM and a PCI-E RAID (more about that later ) card to get the best of both worlds and barbs and tubing. These will be paired up with:-
E2180 cooled by Swiftech Apogee GTX
8800GTX cooled by EK 8800GTS full cover block
Silentmaxx 500W watercooled PSU
DDC 18W pump with a Petra top
Black Ice Stealth 2.120mm, all plumbed with Masterkleer 7/16" tubing
2x Sharkhoon 1000rpm fans on the radiator
4GB (4x1GB) Crucial Ballistix 667MHz
Creative X-FI XtremeGamer
Adaptec RAID card
Blu-Ray drive
2x Samsung 64GB SSD
My original intention was to build a small quiet media PC for watching DVDs, playing music and a bit of light gaming built around a Gigabyte GA-33M board, mainly due to it's on board capability. But it turned out that that board couldn't run RAM 1:1 with the FSB limiting overclocking.
In addition to that my choosen type of tubing and fittings weren't 100% compatible, Waterchill 10/8mm tubing and Alphacool 10mm push fittings. The Waterchill tubing is superb, very similar to Tygon in it's non-kink bendyness and would have greatly simplified the tube routing. The alternative is polyurethane 10/8mm tubing with similar bending capability of drink straws . The main problem is that the Waterchill doesn't actually lock into the push fitting and when bent in tight turns the tubing slightly deforms in the fitting introducing potential leak paths.
So what I ended up going for was the Asus P5K-VM and a PCI-E RAID (more about that later ) card to get the best of both worlds and barbs and tubing. These will be paired up with:-
E2180 cooled by Swiftech Apogee GTX
8800GTX cooled by EK 8800GTS full cover block
Silentmaxx 500W watercooled PSU
DDC 18W pump with a Petra top
Black Ice Stealth 2.120mm, all plumbed with Masterkleer 7/16" tubing
2x Sharkhoon 1000rpm fans on the radiator
4GB (4x1GB) Crucial Ballistix 667MHz
Creative X-FI XtremeGamer
Adaptec RAID card
Blu-Ray drive
2x Samsung 64GB SSD