Moving to Sydney?

6 Jun 2004
Hi all,

Just asking for a little advice or common sense please... I've been at a new company for just 3 months now (working in London) which originated from Sydney and it quickly became clear that they were on the look out for developers in Sydney. They've had no luck so have now extended the offer to all developers in London (such as me) to relocate to Sydney for a minimum of a year - Today I was asked directly if I was interested in doing such a thing and I turned it down without much thought but tonight I've been thinking I was a bit hasty. I've never been to Australia, or even Asia for that matter, due to me chasing a good career and education but I've heard it's a great place to go. I'm only 23 so not many ties (I will get to that) and have a good career ahead of me (hopefully) and I cant help but think this will aid my personal development as well as give me a great life experience - an opportunity that if I turn down I may regret later.
My parents both live in Spain and I know they will be sad to see me go all the way around the world but I don't think that is stopping me. I also believe that my friends I have here are for life and would be here for me when I return.

One of the only things stopping me is, of course...her. My girlfriend and I have been seeing each other for 18 months now and I feel a lot for her - she's adventurous and I know doesn't want to spend her life in London (she started her career at the same time as me, in London, 18 months ago - when we first met). Regardless of whether she is ready to move on from London (She isn't) - I know we aren't at the stage where she would move over there with me and it would be an extremely long distance relationship which I doubt would last (?). The only issue between us is that we haven't been 100% together in that 18 months - we live separately and see each other most evenings during the week after work and during lunch but weekends is a different story, bar one or two weekends, she spends a lot of time with friends - because of this, I spend a lot of time with mine - I have to admit, it's great at times but others I just want to be with her and it doesn't seem to be an option at times.

So what would you do? How do people make these sort of moves?? I guess with a girlfriend you just don't or am I missing something?
I would grab the opportunity while you can, try and get the gf to go too

work a few years over there, travel and see the country , gain residency then come back to the UK if you want
Toss a coin. Call it (to go).

Whatever the result, your gut feeling will be your answer.

I.e. If you feel relief if the coin sayeth no, it's the right decision.

Personally, I'd go. It's only for a year. Girlfriends come and go, an opportunity like this might not come again.
Everyone's experience is unique.

I moved to Sydney 3 years ago and can unreservedly say it was the right choice for me.

My standard of living and lifestyle are much better here than they were living in London. I love living by a beach only 30 minutes from the center of Sydney. I love the people and the Ozzie say it like you see it approach to life.

Only you can make the descision with regards to your relationship.

All I can say is that Australia is a great place to live.
Sydney is an amazing city. Offers much of what London has, good nightlife, great beaches within a short train journey. The weather is better :D

I would seriously think about it - it will be a great experience. The big questions are probably more around how attached to the UK you are - close family, friends etc who are dependant on you.
Toss a coin. Call it (to go).

Whatever the result, your gut feeling will be your answer.

I.e. If you feel relief if the coin sayeth no, it's the right decision.

Personally, I'd go. It's only for a year. Girlfriends come and go, an opportunity like this might not come again.

Flip a coin, heads you go, tails you go even faster.
If it were me, I'd go tomorrow - Christmas pudding on a beach as opposed to this foul weather we've got over here! :(

Are they looking for many more people?
Flip a coin, heads you go, tails you go even faster.

This! As mentioned, what's to REALLY think about, you're young with a great opportunity and no serious ties except for a girl. Go for a year and try out a different part of the world. It's pretty cool over there although Sydney would not be my first choice - you may be different though :)
I think it depends on the relationship. If you don't see her that much and aren't looking to move in together any time soon, then I'd probably say go for it. If you were living together and properly settling down, then things would be different.

With regards to how people in relationships deal with these things, it's all down to your priorities. I don't care about travelling or a career, so I wouldn't even consider doing something like that. If my boyfriend was offered a job somewhere else in the UK, I'd definately go with him and I don't think he would even consider something where we'd have to live apart.
I'm working in Sydney for 3 months at the moment (and probably another 3 early next year) so can probably give you some advice. :D

It's a great place, lots to see and do. It's very friendly and meeting new people is pretty easy in the bars and out and about in general. People don't seem as up themselves as they do in London to be honest. I stayed in Coogee for a month which was OK but a few too many drunk backpackers for my liking (and I'm glad I didn't order ice cream from the Coogee Bay Hotel! :p) I'm staying in the city now and love it tbh.

As for moving here, I think I would have done so without a second thought several years ago when I was going through a bit of a rough patch career-wise, but I'll have to think quite hard now as my priorities have changed what with not being in my early 20s anymore ;)

If you're the sort of strong willed person that doesn't have close ties and can just start again from scratch it'd probably be a good call and a great move. If you have a tight-knit family and social crowd you might struggle a bit (it's a 23 or so hour flight so visiting people back home isn't that easy). I have met tonnes of interesting and great people out here but I do miss all the in-jokes with my mates at home (not to mention the roaring fires and real ale in the country pubs).

Do some research as you will probably find the wages aren't that good compared to London, and I don't really find it much cheaper out here. It's a compromise you have to make though, it seems. Depends on what sort of lifestyle you want :) Personally my plans were to move to either the Kent countryside or to France, but we shall see...
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I think you'd be crazy not to take it, even though Sydney is full of pretentious gits :P Have you spoken to your girlfriend about it yet?

You(se) might not be at a stage where she's ready to move over there _with you_ but she might see this as an opportunity to do some travelling around/to Australia of her own.
You(se) might not be at a stage where she's ready to move over there _with you_ but she might see this as an opportunity to do some travelling around/to Australia of her own.

If the OP is lucky, he might get a return flight out of the company to bring her over for a while. Seems to be quite a common thing these days :) It'd be better if he could get a secondment for a few months to see he likes it at first.

Everyone's different at the end of the day. To some people this opportunity would amazing, to others it would be painful deracination. ;)
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Go to Sydney with or with out the Girlfriend

What would you think say 2 or 3 years from now your Girlfriend and you break up and you ended up not going to sydney because of her? You will Regret not ever doing it and missing out on an Oppitunity of a life time
Go you might find a stunner to train on in Oz! It may only be for a year but will look amazing on a CV. All the top dogs in my industry have done work in Africa, its like a pre-requisite for the next level.

Just nail your current GF until you go, then find another.

or ignore moe, im bitter and twisted.
Do they need any business analysts to go to Sydney along with the developers?!
If so, please email me your company name to my trust email account.

Would love to go work in Sydney!
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