Moving to Sydney?

well i moved here 3 1/2 yrs ago. finally.. lived here 2yrs when was a kid.. should have done it a lot sooner. have all the family here now which is good.. was not cheap to get here so if your company is paying then give it ago.. you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.. if your g/friend thinks a lot of you she would not hold you back and may even go with you or come out here for holiday.. get holiday visa and work .. lifes to short.. by the way today was 26c felt warmer. only in spring.. finished work got home. got a cold beer and jumped in swimming pool. hard life. :cool: will do the same thing tomorrow.. going to be 30c.. just do it..
If you do not take this opportunity you will regret it for the rest of your life. Could your Gf take a sabbatical and come with you.

At the end of the day a year is not that long a time.

I'd be on the plane already and tell my wife about it after I arrive ;)
well i moved here 3 1/2 yrs ago. finally.. lived here 2yrs when was a kid.. should have done it a lot sooner. have all the family here now which is good.. was not cheap to get here so if your company is paying then give it ago.. you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.. if your g/friend thinks a lot of you she would not hold you back and may even go with you or come out here for holiday.. get holiday visa and work .. lifes to short.. by the way today was 26c felt warmer. only in spring.. finished work got home. got a cold beer and jumped in swimming pool. hard life. :cool: will do the same thing tomorrow.. going to be 30c.. just do it..

Twas bloody 37 today and i was stuck in a glass house oven called escavator with no air con all day sweeting like a pedo in a preschool:(

The heat should reach you in a few days time:p:D
I would go and work in pretty much any country (excludes war zones) if the opportunity arose, while i am young and have no serious ties.
There are a lot....The funnel web is the worse as they are bases around Syney and NSW. They are unlikely to kill you if you are in the city would not be pleasant to be bitten by one though.
We once tried to irritate one to see what would happen. The think rose up on it back legs and jumped at us. It literally had tiny drops of poison dripping from it's mouth or whatever.

There are a lot....The funnel web is the worse as they are bases around Syney and NSW. They are unlikely to kill you if you are in the city would not be pleasant to be bitten by one though.
We once tried to irritate one to see what would happen. The think rose up on it back legs and jumped at us. It literally had tiny drops of poison dripping from it's mouth or whatever.


I think I just died inside.
There are a lot....The funnel web is the worse as they are bases around Syney and NSW. They are unlikely to kill you if you are in the city would not be pleasant to be bitten by one though.
We once tried to irritate one to see what would happen. The think rose up on it back legs and jumped at us. It literally had tiny drops of poison dripping from it's mouth or whatever.


Why the hell would you do that ??!?!?:confused:
It's an incredible opportunity and Sydney is a phenomenal place - I have a friend out in NZ for six months and he and his girlfriend are making it work (albeit for a shorter time). I guess it depends if you know you're coming back or not. But either way, it would be an amazing 12 months, and there are millions of nice girls in the world if it didn't work out ;)
If I was offered to go to Australia for a year I would jump at the chance - who wouldn't? Make sure the company pays for everything. Imagine if you dodn't go. You's ALWAYS be thinking what if...
Coming home to a few dead cockroaches on the floor now and then is entertaining :D (you have to have those insect killer thingies in the corners of boiler cupboards and the like, even way up on a high rise apartment block). Also, the first night I got here, I turned the shower on and one of the buggers crawled out of the plug hole.

Good job I'm not bothered by spiders/insects etc :) Grabbed it and threw it down the bog. :D
Coming home to a few dead cockroaches on the floor now and then is entertaining :D (you have to have those insect killer thingies in the corners of boiler cupboards and the like, even way up on a high rise apartment block). Also, the first night I got here, I turned the shower on and one of the buggers crawled out of the plug hole.

Good job I'm not bothered by spiders/insects etc :) Grabbed it and threw it down the bog. :D

I and a friend of mine were on hols in Tenerife a few years back when he decided to take a dump, next thing I hear a girlish scream and see him running out of the toilet trying to pull his pants up comedy style
turns out as he was just about done on the throne when a huge roach crawled out of the bidet next to him


I gave it 10 mins for the air to clear and went in and splatted it with a big metal spatula type thing - it still lived for hours after even though it was in 3 pieces :/
There are a lot....The funnel web is the worse as they are bases around Syney and NSW. They are unlikely to kill you if you are in the city would not be pleasant to be bitten by one though.
We once tried to irritate one to see what would happen. The think rose up on it back legs and jumped at us. It literally had tiny drops of poison dripping from it's mouth or whatever.


You do realise if he had got you, you would have been in serious trouble.

Those spiders are the most lethal ones we have here AFAIK:p
fished a funnel web out of pool a few weeks ago.. thing is they can still live in water for days.. had 2 small brown snakes out the front of house last year.. 1 was dead. done renovations on house first year here.had a tree out front not that big.. after finished working had a beer with mate.. thought i seen something in tree.. ended up being tree goana.. amazing jurassic park.. climbed out of tree and just walked slowly along to next doors. i do live a stones throw from the bush and fires came through here 7yrs ago.. was over for xmas that year,sat on brother in laws roof with hose pipe.. this is not the should still go.. :cool:
I'm working in Sydney for 3 months at the moment (and probably another 3 early next year) so can probably give you some advice. :D

It's a great place, lots to see and do....

Hi there,

Thanks for all the words of wisdom in this thread - it's definitely made me think more about it.

I contacted my co-ordinator and I think he is as keen as I am. To be honest, despite having a really nice gf here at the moment, knowing that I'd probably be leaving her behind to go there, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited at the prospect. I would miss the in-jokes with my mates but I know they'll be here when I get back and my firm is calling it a "short-term placement 1 to 2 years".

I think there's a relocation budget that gets paid in part when I leave and the rest when I return to London so at least I know my job will be safe when I get back. I'll be interested when I get my first contact from HR to bash through the contract. At the current exchange rate I'd be on around $100k AUD which I think is rather high given their average is $59k AUD for my position - according to a random googled website - So I'm not sure if I'd keep my salary - another thing to think about! I'd also like to negotiate some other benefits like X many flights home but I'm not sure if that'll happen ;)

Well - looking forward to it now, apart from the difficult chat with the gf (oh...and parents, nearly forgot) - wish me luck!
all the luck in the world mate.

If you don't do it you'll regret it.This sound like a great opportunity to see more of the world as well as being a good career move.
ask your self if your Girlfriend had a chance a Great job in a City 200 miles away would she not go for it because of for you?

leaving your Friends, family possibly girlfriend and all you've known is a big step for anyone.

We did it (my GF of 10 years) last year on a permanent move. we miss our friends the most, for all the in jokes and not being part of the scene as much as we where. but saying that we visited this year and if anything we all just had more to talk about. there was no rift as I thought there might be. but thats what true friends are about. not forgetting that we've made some real good Friends here, ok they are not Friends that we've know for that Last 10, 15, 20 years but give them time and and Sure some will be.

When your sat at a beach bar watching the world after finishing work in shorts and T-shirts in November. you know its worth the effort :)
From the sounds of your OP it screams "I want to go to Sydney and me and my gf are in a place where I think it's still a viable option".

Do it, it's the only chance you'll get and you'll regret it forevermore if you turn it down... there's nothing worse than "What if'". Some of my friends have moved from London to Oz and are absolutely smitten... they say the lifestyle is 10x better.

Go for it, the experience will be invaluable both on a personal and professional level.
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