WoW on Macbook Pro

9 Dec 2003
Bit of an old one to resurrect I guess.
Really keen on the views of ocuk folk and not internet hearsay.

Does anyone still play WoW on their Macbook Pro?
What is your performance like?
If you're talking about the current Macbook Pros, there's no reason you shouldn't have a stable frame rate at all times.
I never installed it on my iMac before I gave it away so have no frame of reference for WoW on a Mac.
Given the games popularity I'd have thought we'd have some Mac WoWers on ocuk who could share their experiences.
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More benchmarks on here just for reference. :)
Nice find. Let's see if some real users back those numbers up. :)

If it can do 60fps under proper raid conditions I'd be quite impressed.
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I play WoW on my aluminium MBP and it runs fine. I have most settings on high, and I have never had any frame rate issues. In Dalaran I average around 20-25fps, whch is pretty good considering.

One thing to note with this model is that the ventilation is kinda poor, when I start running intensive programs/games the fans ramp up and the thing sounds like it's about to take off. However, there is a nice freeware app out there where you can adjust the threshold values of the fans which helps. This doesn't bother me though because I use headphones which block it out nicely.
Is it stable during long sessions though? There has been a lot of complaining about black screen crashes and so on with MBP's when running the 9600 under load.
Yeah I've read a lot about the black screen of death, it almost put me off buying my MBP. But if you read between the lines, most people are running Windows when it crashes. In my experience running Windows 7 on my MBP I've never had a black screen crash while running any game/app. I mainly run games in OSX, never had a crash in many hours worth of gaming.
I play WoW on my 2.8 Unibody and it's good!

The other half plays on my old 2.33 17" and it plays it fine also!

I'm talking about having them at max settings aswell. And regarding crashes i have been playing WoW on it for very long lengths of time and have never had a crash on either MBP. I've never had any problems with the 9600M. I just wish apple would get a driver update out for it!
I dabble in it on my MB 2.4 w/GF9400M.

It's a good performer, considering it's an integrated chipset. I run with all settlings on low, that gives me a decent 40-60fps depending on location.
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