Then your next door neighbour doesn't realise just how quickly a processor goes from idle to load, and so just how high the spikes are. Show him the graph from anand.
It's bad for i7 for exactly the same reason it was bad for the quads, except that the issue is less with low voltages and a lot of people on the i7 seem to be temperature limited and not voltage.
Everything I can find on the topic points at people new to the game and people who just haven't researched it
all have it turned on, and the more experienced people turn it off.
@bradley, generally I consider anything over the vid range for the processor to be high voltages. So for the i7, anything over 1.375V is 'high'.
I really need to spend some time working through the implications of blacks equation to arrive at a 'sane' higher voltage to use, I'm trying to offset decrease in temperatures against increase in voltages. Something along the lines of '90 degrees at 1.25V volts is considered fine, so how high can the volts be at 50 degrees'. It shouldn't be hard mathematically, I just haven't got round to it yet.
Probably staying with above ambient temperatures for the forseeable future, though I'm still looking at peltiers. Here's hoping a 240 and two 120s is more than enough to keep an i7 cold. May be lapping, unsure