St Kilda

4 Sep 2003
So I just spent 2 weeks helping out with the sheep project on St Kilda... amazing place, didn't have much time for photography in between all the sheep wrangling and drinking, but thought I'd give you a little taster of the sort of stuff I'll hopefully be doing more of over the next 3 years, as I'll be out there 3-4 times a year for my PhD which I'm about to start.

10 shot pano (not perfect I know, shooting panos at 20mm is tricky!):

Village Bay, Hirta, St Kilda:


Forum seems to be compressing it a bit, should be 1200 across:

Oh, and just for fun, here's a shot of one of us messing around on the cliffs at the back of the island:

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Holy ****!

That is bloody incredible!!

It has everything, dramatic clouds, textured forground, fantastic colours throughout, an amazing view, and a bloody rainbow to top it all off.

That really is unbelievable!! Best shot I have seen in a while!
Awesome, inspiring, brilliant.

Nice one, something to be proud of! Get it framed and put in the village pub. They will love that and you might just get free beer!

Just had another look, the sky seems a bit 'too blue' in that gap in the clouds. Really like the way the image warms up accross the section as you pan accross it. It really is a nice shot but for me would be even better if that patch of deep dark blue was a bit softer. I find the image leads my eyes into that blue hole between the clouds.
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You say "not perfect".

I'm struggling to find which part of it fits this description.

I am often impressed with peoples talents in this subforum, but every now and then, a little piece of genius appears.

This is one of those times.

Absolutely epic! I sat looking at the image for a good minute before I even started scrolling :)
I'd love to have that as a back ground also.

I've tried to get to St.Kilda a few times on my own boat but the weather and the ridiculously big waves always force me to abandon the attempt.
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