Like other big games that are pretty much story driven i think we need to have this thread as a place to chat about the game elements that may be classed as a spoiler to the game. Keep in mind though that people coming into this thread may not be as far in the game as you, so be mindful of how you post eg if you are close to the end, spoiler and hide text as much as you can. After a few weeks/a month or so perhpas this thread could be merged into the great official thread we have to keep the forum a bit tidier. As a warning to those not wanting to be spoiled DONT READ THIS THREAD!!.
Perhaps im being a bit OTT but we have had many game ruined by people spoilering the main thread. If you just want to hide all text in spoiler quotes in the main thread then i this thread will die, but i just think its safer to have another place to talk about this game in detail.
Perhaps im being a bit OTT but we have had many game ruined by people spoilering the main thread. If you just want to hide all text in spoiler quotes in the main thread then i this thread will die, but i just think its safer to have another place to talk about this game in detail.