Uncharted 2 Story and Help Thread ! SPOILERS INSIDE!

Aye the guardians were indeed a bit meh, they were integral to the story and for that i'll let ND off of putting them in. However they just had stupid amounts of health, it became a chore killing them as you'd eventually run out of ammo and spend an age scrounging for ammo to finish them off. Wouldn't have minded so much if you could melee em.

Best part of the game for me was all of the bits with Tenzin, the village siege was just amazing, especially running along the rooftops avoiding the tank.
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Didn't even know about the crossbow :( On Hard I spent a lot of time trying to kill them, although I guess it will be easy on Crushing now. I think someone said 2 crossbow shots kill them.

Anybody else find the train section REALLY annoying?I nearly rage quitted the game on it!Got sick of dying by enemies I couldn't see.Plus the game kept restarting me with a bloke on the carriage in front of me who would drain half my energy before I got chance to move:mad:
Loving the dialouge in the game.Like in the ice cave where tensin gets the hook and nathan says "good luck with that pal.That shot is nearly impossible to.....oh you did it":p
Didn't even know about the crossbow :( On Hard I spent a lot of time trying to kill them, although I guess it will be easy on Crushing now. I think someone said 2 crossbow shots kill them.


usually 2, but a headshot will do.

love the ending...

'ok a 5...'
I kept your tears in a jar :D
I finished a few hours back, totally fantastic game, i enjoyed it more than any other SP this gen. Some great set pieces, liked how the game didnt end when i thought it would, and the last scenes were touching and amusing all in one. So can the Naughty Gods make U3 as much as a step up from 1 to 2? I some how doubt it, but then again i couldnt imagine this being such a big step up from the first one.
Liked the way the "surprise" wasnt quite what you thought it was at first, and this time the ending didnt seem rushed.
I loved drakes diary, there was some funny stuff in there, the sullivan pics, Skelzor and the diagram for the scariest thing.
Now im just unsure if i want to play through the game again first or play the MP game.
Agreed on the diary front, it's a great little easter egg for fun.

'Scariest things:

3: Sullys moustache

2: Slimy naked guy (wierd baddies from Uncharted 1)

1: Hairy sasquatch (hairy dudes from Uncharted 2)'

The many faces of Sully are amusing too.
Did anybody else think it was a pain in the arse chucking that grenade in the tower in borneo?I used about 10 grenades to do it!Even when aiming it seemed that you needed to get it exactly right.

Erm, no, my grenade landed exactly where the arrow went and blew up the tower :p
Aye :D


The game had so many amazing moments and so much character. The village scene in Nepal was just awe inspiring.
Just finished one of the co-op maps on crushing , and all the enemy,s look like something out of ghost rider .
Bust up skulls everywhere once the plan of action was put into place well done rp2000 and tony620 :)

I didnt actually think we had chance to be honest but good old fashioned grit and determination got us through in the end :D
The end boss made me angry once as I had to restart it. The game glitched and basically he got froze in spot during the full motion part! :mad:

I LOVED the game though - easily one of my favs of this generation.
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