hi i have a extra copy of dirt2,steam download,which il give away to the coolest watercooled pc,post ur pic here,il decide by friday who the winner is and send the code by email,good luck guys??
I've also never played DiRT2 but would like to, so count me in: Maybe in the "most literal interpretation of a water-cooled case" category - not very polished or tidy yet though.
see the last pages of the link in my sig for more details/pics.
hi guys,thanks for your pics,i really liked danny75 attempt,very tidy mate,but i think the winner is project angel,1 of the best attempt i have seen,so mate can you ethier post ur email add on here or send it to [email protected] and i will send you the steam code for dirt2...enjoy
Awe shucks! Thx guys and a big thx to Mr Sheldon for the DiRT2 code . I'm hoping to get the build finished (finally) in the next couple of weeks (annual leave!!!!!).
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