FAO - Chefs!

looks like you cant get everything in 1 order to save on the p&p i guess thats how they get you. one offer leads to the next and then your paying £50 in p&p for stuff.
I would rate them no stars and 0 value for money.
I ordered a set of knives 6 months ago. They haven't arrived.
They received the order because they put me on their mailing list.
Anyone who deals with this company has rocks in their head.
250,000 satisfied customers, mollusks!

I bought these a few months ago on the same offer. 5-piece knife set, then as you go through the ordering process they ask you variously if you want other stuff - a knife block plus the extra 2 implements to complete it, a cleaver, a sharpening steel etc. In the end I spent £40 in all... and they accidentally added a second 5-piece set for nothing. Bargain! They're obviously not the best quality you'll ever see but at that price you can afford to use them until they wear out and get more.

Or use the second set they mistakenly send you if you're as lucky as me. :D
We have some older Jean Patrique knives, though they look very similar. As cheap knives they're fine and are not too bad if you keep sharpening them (I used a whet stone) - the handles are nice and comfy too.

For anything serious I always use my Global knife though.
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