Hawken mech online game

Just looks like any old FPS + jetpacks, not something that is doing it for me at the moment.

Well as an old skool Quack3/UT player and I fully look forward to this game. I always wanted a Quake 3 style FPS but with robots and jetpacks and also the possibility of playing in a futuristic city environment like you see in mech-anime shows.

This is it!
Does look very impressive. Not really interested in pure multiplayer though, big stompy mechs need a big stompy storyline.
Congratulations Pilot! You've been selected to participate in HAWKEN's second Alpha Test!

What does this mean?

You will be receiving an email from us within the week detailing where to download the game, how to access the servers, and how long the Alpha will be available to play.

In the meantime, keep up to date with everything Alpha via our official forums at: http://community.playhawken.com

Welcome to HAWKEN!

This reminds me of a game on the original xbox... LOVED IT! Online focused, only had a handful of maps. Could customize your mechs a fair bit. Speed, armor or power.
Got an invite here too, can't wait to try it out! Like others here I'm a Quake player who no longer has anything like that to play (nothing that has any sort of meaningful player-base anyway). I'm looking forward to this as it looks like something a bit different to the Battlefields and CODs.
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