Hawken mech online game

Ohh so this thread is still alive....got my invite so see you guys on the battlefield, hopefully on the same side...!
Wasn't realy on the radar beyond intresting viewing until seeing the 3d presentation they did with the rift.

Game looks like the perfect suit for that thing, stomping mechs enclosed in you're own 3d space, some experience im sure.
Does anybody have an idea how the business model is going to work? Aside from it being free to play, I haven't the foggiest.

I'm usually a bit "pfffft" about F2P games, but this looks brilliant and who doesn't want to be inside a big mech?
Sawthe early videos of it and liked the style but it didn't look up to much... Look great now though and fp :)
Considering its Alpha it plays like a beta.. Smooth as anything ain't noticed any bugs yet or performance issues
for some reason they sent me two different codes. i can give the other for free if anyone wants. not sure if its tied to email but still worth a try
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