HTPC build

5 Mar 2010
Eastbourne / Cape Town
CPU & Mobo: AMD E-350

RAM: Corsair xms3 2x 2gb DDR3

GPU : onboard should be fine for blu-ray playback, (i hope)

HDD: Western Digital Caviar Green 1TB SATA-II 64MB Cache

Case: Wesena Mini ITX2 Case (I think its lush personally)

PSU : i am a bit confused about the power supplies for M-ITX systems?

Remote: Can anyone suggest a good remote? i will be putting windows 7 on it with XBMC

Optical: Sony Optiarc BC-5640H BluRay

What you guys think?
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If you want to use onboard graphics go for an AMD E-350 over the i3. Cheaper, lower power consumption, better for 24p.

PSU for the wesena needs to be a pico-PSU. They can be had off the Wesena website.
Don't forget to get an adaptor:

As for remotes I don't know. I am also a bit stumped about this. Anybody know what the Logitech Remotes are like?
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Would I need to get the Wesena 12v 10a Power Supply Adaptor to go with that PSU? also how did you know that it needs a pico-PSU?
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OO that combo board looks pretty nice tbh, as it has a nice inbuilt graphics card i reckon that would be a lot better!
Would I need to get the Wesena 12v 10a Power Supply Adaptor to go with that PSU? also how did you know that it needs a pico-PSU?

Yes you need the power adaptor. If you look at the rear of the case there is a small hole to the right of the air vent. That hole is where the adaptor plugs into the pico-PSU.

OO that combo board looks pretty nice tbh, as it has a nice inbuilt graphics card i reckon that would be a lot better!

Yes the graphics on the E-350 is markedly better than the Intel HD2000 or HD3000 integrated graphics chips. The only thing is that the CPU is less powerful but for an HTPC that is not an issue.
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I prefer an Intel mobo and a G620 for a bit more oopmh, fine for blu ray and rips DVD so quickly !
Only down side for the wesena is lack of tv card space, I havent had much luck recording from USB tv cards. They do a model a bit bigger too.

I would start off with a 2.5 hdd, a bit more money but worth it

think about a nice bluetooth keyboard and remote if your sofa is too far for IR. :)
Just ordered myself up a new HTPC too.
G620T with a GT 430 :D

Really wanted one of those Wesena cases but in the end I just couldnt justify the cost.
Sure they look great but I can get a case (and a pretty nice one too) with a 200w psu included for £70.
Equivelent Wesena would set you back almost £200 with PSU :eek:
Just ordered myself up a new HTPC too.
G620T with a GT 430 :D

Really wanted one of those Wesena cases but in the end I just couldnt justify the cost.
Sure they look great but I can get a case (and a pretty nice one too) with a 200w psu included for £70.
Equivelent Wesena would set you back almost £200 with PSU :eek:

give us a clue what u went for ??
CPU: Intel Pentium G620T
Motherboard: Asus P8H61-I
RAM: 4GB (2x2GB) Corsair DDR3 XMS3
GPU: Palit GT 430 Low Profile
HDD: Spare 80GB Intel X25-M SSD left over from my old system
Optical: Sony BC-5640H-01 Slot Blu-ray Combo
Case: Jou Jye NU-568i-B Mini-ITX Chassis 220W

Remote is covered as I have an old MS RC6 Media Center remote :)
May go looking for a replacment though as the revo this is replacing will go in another room.
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CPU: Intel Pentium G620T
Motherboard: Asus P8H61-I
RAM: 4GB (2x2GB) Corsair DDR3 XMS3
GPU: Palit GT 430 Low Profile
HDD: Spare 80GB Intel X25-M SSD left over from my old system
Optical: Sony BC-5640H-01 Slot Blu-ray Combo
Case: Jou Jye NU-568i-B Mini-ITX Chassis 220W

Remote is covered as I have an old MS RC6 Media Center remote :)
May go looking for a replacment though as the revo this is replacing will go in another room.

What CPU fan are you going for? Stock or something else?
Probbly just use the stock one unless it sounds like a jet.
There should be very little load on it though so it will probbly be bearly audable.
I am very close to having a go at building something similar.

Anyone know much better/worse is the I3/I5-GT430 combo, compared to the APU from Amd?

I have been looking at one of these for a while, and the Amd solution seems very attractive, but don`t want to end up regretting not getting a bit more oomph.
^ same, anyone know of any reviews for blu-ray playback and if any problems..

hmm ill have to have a ganders at 2.5" hdds
My HTPC stuff should be arriving tomorrow

Zotac Zbox (AMD-E350), inc case and PSU. 2x4gb DDR3 (oovverrrkill!) and an OCZ SSD ~ £250

I was pondering building a system up using the asus e35m1-i deluxe inside an M350 case. I opted for the Zbox in the end as it was smaller.

I did some did some research into the PSU side of things for using the M350 case. I was reliably informed that for the E35M1-i + 8gb + SSD I'd be fine with an 80w PICO PSU and a power adaptor of matching wattage.
Hmm so you think i should invest in an i3 rather than the amd e-350?.. yeah your right i might just have to suck it up and pay the extra for the hdd
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