Green laneing

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
Following on from my thread yesterday.

What are peoples thoughts on Green Laneing with a motorcross? Is it frowned upon? Is it something the police are hot on even though it's legal in most cases with highlighted routes.

Are most routes going to be populated by Sunday 4x4 adventurers and 15yr old yobo's and their stolen MX. Or is it as I hope, with genuine enthusiasts all having a tear?

Having not ridden a motorcross for many years, I am curious as to how accessible green laneing is in the real world. Such as popping out on a muddy Sunday afternoon, riding to the route, tearing the route then venturing home covered in head to toe in nothing but pure mud.

So yea, what is your general insight to this?

Thanks :)
Bunch of ******s ruining the peace and quiet of the countryside, ruining tracks for everyone else and generally making a mess and being stupidly loud and annoying (seriously, how much BHP would they lose using a quiet exhaust?!). IMHO.:)

Saying that, if they stick to their muddy ****hole tracks and don't go tearing down bridal ways and footpaths, don't leave **** everywhere and **** off when I'm about, they're fine.
Not really done any in England, I used to ride around in local farmers fields and down on a sandy beach that was usually deserted in Scotland. Do you know anyone with some hilly fields?

Best to stay away from walking and cycling areas as they will hate you.

Go and enter in to this event :D

I've done my fair share of green laning & if you work out the routes before hand it can be awesome, It's weird but once you turn off the road & get amongst the bushes you feel you could be anywhere.
I used to see Crossers on route & we'd all make good space for them & get out of each others way, Whether on a Crosser or in a 4x4 you're all off roaders. :cool:
Have to say though in the end I started using the pay & play sites that are springing up everywhere, They offer all kinds of terrain like holes woods climbs etc etc all in the one space & there's loads of support if you get stuck or break summit. Keeps fuel costs down & there's more chance of your off roading lasting all day.
I'd say your main worry in the lanes are Horses for obvious reasons & the riders will report you if you spook them. We made a Serious point of avoiding them or stopping or whatever it took to keep them happy.
Thanks for the info guys.

As for horses, I am a horse rider my self, if I were to green lane I would simply kill the engine, sit by for 30 seconds, let them pass and carry on. No harm done and a little relax for me :D

Shame some don't understand this.
well when i was biking the green lanes we not exactly the lanes ripping up dartmoor in my youth i would have just gone anywhere and not cared

more recently in a landy i was a bit more carefull about where i could and couldnt go OS maps and the like

but we have a lot of areas here where farmers open up the land for events and people just go crash roll over hit trees etc and no one minds that much

recently tho councils are not keeping a lot of stuff open and neglecting acces to routes they will claim are never used so they will remove them eventually

what you need to do is go to your county headquarters and ask for the definative map

then explore and keep them open or lose them

imo ramblers are a pita.
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