**** The Official Prometheus Spoiler Discussion Thread ****

13 Feb 2004
South Shields
As title above.

Wanted to create a thread to discuss the plot and general reviews of the movie.

So... what did people think?

What surprised you?
What dissapointed you?
What did you enjoy?

I loved it but know that a lot of people have differing opinions from myself.

Discuss away :D
I presume no spoiler tags in this. People if you haven't seen it yet, come in here and complain, I will find you and slap you with a seabass!

- Jockey at the beginning, what are you doing? Good Jockey trying to kill them all and stop them heading off to earth?

Do not want:
- That stupid guy with the laser globes. Not funny and a silly character that wasn't needed.
- Charlize Theron keeping her clothes on. I was sad at this! :D
- Lack of any real suspense, bar the operating on self scene.
- Lets go for a wonder, oh no back to ship,

- The 3D.
- The Visuals.
- David and Janek.
- Charlize Theron in skin tight clothing x100.
It's getting some scathing reviews online.. I think people are going to see this expecting a direct alien prequel.

It's a fantastic film.. The more I think about it the more I wanna know about it.

There are questions left unanswered and some new questions surface but to me I find that exciting as I love the whole mythology of it all.

Plus one of the head writers on lost was involved in writing the script.. Do people expect direct answers lol

How cool was the birth scene at the end?

I was also ? about what they were all running from and what killed them all?
Get the feeling that life was accidentally created on earth at the beginning, in a way the engineers did not approve of, maybe thats why they want to go back and start over again.
I'm glad it wasn't heavy on the Alien stuff at all. That made the film slightly better in my eyes but nothing, and I mean nothing, could redeem the stupid characters, boring plot and terrible dialogue.
Just got back from watching it.

An excellent and gorgeous film overall. I'm not one to pick holes in films, I just enjoy for what it is. Some great performances, especially Fassbender. It only left me with one real question, something that bugged me from the very start. All the other questions it raised might be answered in a sequel....

The Cave sequence at the beginning was in 2009 in Scotland, unless my eyes deceived me. How did we suddenly jump 84 years with the same 2 people? :confused:

The only part of the film I didn't like, which I felt was unnecessary and a little cheesy, was the birth scene at the end. Would have been better leaving it at the ship shooting off into space.
I quite enjoyed the birth scene.. loved the way it was shot between fading takes..

Also... did that Alien have another embrio attached to it?
Loved the Alien films, loved that this was not another, was so looking forward to it but left feeling annoyed at an average sci-fi film. Having been almost at shooting the Alien film and then scrapping it for a new story over the past years I had very high expectations of a story that would shine, that this would be a masterpiece, sadly I didn't think it was anywhere near that.

Leaving Alien out for a minute the parts that were good:
- David's part and the way his character was developed, very nice indeed. Very dark and I had hoped for something like that, a more psychological horror. That said his method of contact with Weyland, wth? Other than that his character is the best part of this film.

- Visuals, nice to look at which at times the 3D did work a treat.

- Tension, a few parts were just as tense as some of the good horror films. The drive back to the ship, the nod to Alien with the impregnation and removal scene, again nicely done (again).

- The story, promised so much at the start but as soon as they entered the 'tomb' it just fell on its face and didn't really know what to do. A somewhat save by David's character but then it careers off into being another AvP film I think in the hope to bring some sort of conclusion to a plot that at this point has so many holes in it that it becomes hard to care about any of it.

- Timeline, due to when this has been made there is a lot more technology floating around, there would be no getting around this but adding items that would have clearly helped other victims in other films fight the Aliens, well that could have been handled a lot better I think. Leaving them out actually may have helped Prometheus.

In comparison to the Alien franchise, it's exactly what the rest of the films have been since Alien 3, which for me was the last good part of the story. A pretty average film that has best intentions but cannot deliver the claustrophobic horror of sealing six people in a room with a welding torch away from certain death outside the door (or was it? ;)). It's a franchise that was defined at a time when less was more, sci-fi and horror went hand in hand, the stories were simple, more focused. This film had none of that, it found it hard to raise much tension let alone fear.

The plot holes, where to begin, so there's talk of a sequel, I can't really say I care for watching it to be honest even if it was sat next to me just now.
The Engineer suicide at the start, to introduce life to Earth(?), that was destroying DNA, it was snapping the strands, I mean it was degrading DNA, not making life breed or mutate.
Why go to all that bother to make life on Earth but then want to kill it again? So say that Engineer was a 'rebel' something the rest of the race didn't want life on Earth, I guess then they need a weapon to destroy, fine. None of that is eluded to in the film. In fact we have to watch the film for about 90 minutes to find out in a few lines from Prometheus captain that LV-224 is a bio installation where the Engineers made weapons, that's a pathetic method of story telling. Cameron didn't force feed us like that in Aliens with the Queen chamber, are audiences that dumb these days that the only method to convey part of a story is to have someone blurt it out half way through the film? Know your audience Mr Blade Runner….

The planet, LV-224 (I think?) is not LV-426, so it's a different planet where Prometheus lands. So let’s treat this as a different planet for now, the derelict we see crash can't be the same derelict in the Alien film. Crashing Prometheus into the side of it and making the ‘entry hole’ may come in handy for Kane and crew later on, but this is a different planet.
The distress signal, also handy but this is a different planet.
The Engineer has left his seat to go after female doctor, again handy it is a different planet after all, so how can any chest burst happen?
There's what closely resembles an Alien running around, I guess that could be a queen, different planet though, remember?

By the end of the film we have a fifth generation evolution into the Alien we all know:
Male doctor > female doctor > squid? > engineer > Alien.
So any Alien, a Giger Alien would need to evolve in a similar set of jumps, no?
Well for one there won't be that same cycle even if there are other living Engineers on LV-224.

So, female doctor (and that reflects how much I'm not interested, I can't even bring myself to Google her character name) is off on one with David, so she might end up on LV-426, but there are no other humans alive to have the five stage jump like we just saw. So the impregnation/human mutation won't happen again.

Leaving how we got where we did out of it for a minute and going back to just Prometheus. The (all too handy storytelling, but didn’t story tell) holograms that were running around, sure they'd have been handy as hell for Kane and Lambert (who by the way would have had superior tech to anything on Prometheus, see above), they were running into the tomb, why was the Engineer running into a room full of stuff that would kill him?
What about the head high pile of Engineer bodies? What killed them? That elusive 'ping' to the west that we never see of again? Why waste all that time to show these two plums running around getting ‘information’ that is never used, impregnated with a worm mutation, again which is never used after showing it pop out of his mouth.
Why is the tattooed rock geologist guy smashing up the crew? I mean going on what happened on Earth with the suicide and the reformed exploding pilot head this bio weapon destroys by degrading DNA, not by turning things into zombies. Why did we have a ten minute fight on Prometheus deck for what seems like no reason?

In the tomb there is a clear carving of an Alien on the back wall, if that mutation took five jumps away from what is in the pods how the hell was that predicted?
Why even bother to make the worm mutation if it’s only purpose is to kill a few folks but not kill as many as geologist rock hippie?

So yes, I’m off on one (unless you've been in hypersleep for the past 50 years, you can tell I'm a bit of a nut over Alien films) judging by what I’ve typed so far my opinion/interpretations yup they are. Gave more questions than answers, yup, it did and I’d have been totally content with that but the massive problem I have is that none of this makes any sense so the film ends up being so disconnected through bad storytelling and irrelevant sequences that the last ten minutes of here is the evolution Alien lovers that you’ve got to even question why the hell that was put in place also.

It’s an okay sci-fi film with action in it for action sake, it crutches on Alien franchise because really that’s the only true thing left for it to do. Scott might not have wanted to make another Alien film, he succeeded, I’m rather glad it is so detached.
Give me Alien to watch any day of the week over this, the next time I do watch it I’ll be doing my very best to forget about Prometheus.

This is annoyed person, last remaining survivor of average Hollywood films signing off.
I'll just pick up one point that I can answer...

That elusive 'ping' to the west that we never see of again?

That was where David found the live Engineer, as for the rest, carry on :(
Great point their helmet, nothing a really disagree with.

SHouldn't have read that it's annoyed me even more now I think about it.
I'll just pick up one point that I can answer...

That was where David found the live Engineer, as for the rest, carry on :(

Ahh, thanks a lot!
I'll be honest I did throw all that up there in the hope that someone could pick holes, appreciated :).
Watched this with work, so many people crying about it now being like Alien...

I enjoyed it and thought the visuals were extremely impressive. Few sequences I found questionable, especially the Mohawk guy-hulk-smash scene, what the hell?
I enjoyed it. I went in expecting to be disappointed, especially after some of the reviews I've read. But I came out really quite happy.

It wasn't a perfect movie by any means, and there were some typical moments when you think "OK seen this before, move along" and some of the characters were the cut-and-paste type we've all seen before. But thankfully overall its strengths outweigh the weaknesses.

For what it lacked in warmth and character personality, it more than made up for in the over-arching story, which really made me think at times. It was also a movie that after half way through, I simply couldn't predict how it would turn out (Whether the main characters would all survive, I had no idea and this kept me hooked.)

Oh! That operating scene was simply amazing, I haven't felt suspense like that watching a movie for years! David and Elizabeth made up for the weakness of the other characters.
In comparison to the Alien franchise, it's exactly what the rest of the films have been since Alien 3, which for me was the last good part of the story. A pretty average film that has best intentions but cannot deliver the claustrophobic horror of sealing six people in a room with a welding torch away from certain death outside the door (or was it? ;)). It's a franchise that was defined at a time when less was more, sci-fi and horror went hand in hand, the stories were simple, more focused. This film had none of that, it found it hard to raise much tension let alone fear.

The plot holes, where to begin, so there's talk of a sequel, I can't really say I care for watching it to be honest even if it was sat next to me just now.
The Engineer suicide at the start, to introduce life to Earth(?), that was destroying DNA, it was snapping the strands, I mean it was degrading DNA, not making life breed or mutate.
Why go to all that bother to make life on Earth but then want to kill it again? So say that Engineer was a 'rebel' something the rest of the race didn't want life on Earth, I guess then they need a weapon to destroy, fine. None of that is eluded to in the film. In fact we have to watch the film for about 90 minutes to find out in a few lines from Prometheus captain that LV-224 is a bio installation where the Engineers made weapons, that's a pathetic method of story telling. Cameron didn't force feed us like that in Aliens with the Queen chamber, are audiences that dumb these days that the only method to convey part of a story is to have someone blurt it out half way through the film? Know your audience Mr Blade Runner….

The planet, LV-224 (I think?) is not LV-426, so it's a different planet where Prometheus lands. So let’s treat this as a different planet for now, the derelict we see crash can't be the same derelict in the Alien film. Crashing Prometheus into the side of it and making the ‘entry hole’ may come in handy for Kane and crew later on, but this is a different planet.
The distress signal, also handy but this is a different planet.
The Engineer has left his seat to go after female doctor, again handy it is a different planet after all, so how can any chest burst happen?
There's what closely resembles an Alien running around, I guess that could be a queen, different planet though, remember?

By the end of the film we have a fifth generation evolution into the Alien we all know:
Male doctor > female doctor > squid? > engineer > Alien.
So any Alien, a Giger Alien would need to evolve in a similar set of jumps, no?
Well for one there won't be that same cycle even if there are other living Engineers on LV-224.

So, female doctor (and that reflects how much I'm not interested, I can't even bring myself to Google her character name) is off on one with David, so she might end up on LV-426, but there are no other humans alive to have the five stage jump like we just saw. So the impregnation/human mutation won't happen again.

Leaving how we got where we did out of it for a minute and going back to just Prometheus. The (all too handy storytelling, but didn’t story tell) holograms that were running around, sure they'd have been handy as hell for Kane and Lambert (who by the way would have had superior tech to anything on Prometheus, see above), they were running into the tomb, why was the Engineer running into a room full of stuff that would kill him?
What about the head high pile of Engineer bodies? What killed them? That elusive 'ping' to the west that we never see of again? Why waste all that time to show these two plums running around getting ‘information’ that is never used, impregnated with a worm mutation, again which is never used after showing it pop out of his mouth.
Why is the tattooed rock geologist guy smashing up the crew? I mean going on what happened on Earth with the suicide and the reformed exploding pilot head this bio weapon destroys by degrading DNA, not by turning things into zombies. Why did we have a ten minute fight on Prometheus deck for what seems like no reason?

In the tomb there is a clear carving of an Alien on the back wall, if that mutation took five jumps away from what is in the pods how the hell was that predicted?
Why even bother to make the worm mutation if it’s only purpose is to kill a few folks but not kill as many as geologist rock hippie?

You have picked up on pretty much every plot hole which was irritating the heck out of me (barring the ping thing which we recognised) but to add a few more.

- Why would a biologist who we assume knows about animals go up to something which is hissing, rearing up to him and say it is not threatening. It's plain animal language for "I'm about to kick your butt" yet he, a biologist, thinks this is cute? Really?
- The pile of bodies part the Geo/Bio mention that "they look like they have exploded outward from the inside" or something along those lines. Suggesting that there has been some form of alien or squid or whatever else coming out from them... How? Why? and what happened to it?
- Why does Engineer bloke go bat **** mental and want to kill everyone when they release him? No reason is really given for this at all.
- She is impregnated, has an emergency removal of this alien squid thing.. then no one ever mentions it again despite the mess she is in? She doesn't bring it up with anyone either? Really?
- After the mutant butchers everyone (you have touched on that so I wont go into that mess) why does it never get mentioned again? It just gets forgotten two minutes later? EH?
- Why make a star map to lure people a planet were you are creating a facility to create weapons to destroy them?
- Why does the Engineer blokes head explode when they make it come alive again?
- A massive plot hole I noticed... when the Geo and Bio are left in the temple they are talking and they see the pile of bodies etc... they go on the radio to the captain who is sitting watching everything they are doing and ask him if he can see it, he says no you are braking up I cannot see anything. He says all this with a shifty look on his face whilst watching everything they do... why? What are his motives and what is the purpose? It was never even mentioned again.

- A minor point considering they are all plot holes but I had to put this in because it annoyed me. When the spaceship is rolling toward them why run in a straight line when they will NEVER get away from it in time when they could have ran to one side for a second or two and avoided it completely, as scientist woman does when she falls over and rolls about 30 centimetres to one side and completely avoids a ******* huge ship through this :rolleyes:

I really hope they do not make another film and just let us all forget about the shambles this film was. There was no plot and no point to it, i was sat waiting for the moment it would all make sense but it never happened :(
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