**** The Official Prometheus Spoiler Discussion Thread ****

I watched this again in 3D :).

I do like it, I really, really like it. I still think people were expecting too much from the film, the hype surrounding it was huge. I can't say I paid much attention to all that, only thing that mattered was the cast, Scott and the words science fiction :cool:.

I enjoyed it again and I still think it's a good film.
(Originally)Scott - We're making a film that tells the story of the Engineers from Alien.

(Later) Scott - This isn't an Alien prequel, it has some DNA from that story.

Result - A story that with 4 minor changes would have resulted in a prequel to Alien. It was basically a great story that would have ran into Alien, but could also have provided an offshoot side story on the Engineers.

Here's how it should have gone:

The Green 'Vase' on the pedestal should have contained the black substance, the base formula for the creation of this strain.

The Metal Cylinders should have contained face Huggers that were within Stasis. A Weaponised Batch that could be used for erasing life on planets. You Launch them onto a planet, they cause havoc, and the strain has a built in Lifespan that count's down a specific period, say 1,000 years to completely destroy anything non 'Alien' on a planet. Then the strain self destructs.

It all plays out pretty similar, instead of playing with the face-huggers though, they are infected by the original black goo as it goes. David also brings one Metal cylinder (Stasis face-Hugger) on board as well, which during the mess with Shaw, is released. Everything goes off as per, bar super 'squid', that is exterminated upon abortion. Instead the engineer takes a face hugger to the face, he gets it off, but not in time, he's impregnated, it's a queen. Shaw escapes as per, but the engineer gets into one of the ships in a bid to wipe out the human race by taking a batch of the cylinders to earth. on the way to earth, he starts going into arrest due to the birth of the queen in his chest, ship crashes on a planet. That planet is the original LV-426, queen lays egg in hull, leads into the Alien franchise.

All the while Shaw and David's sequence is still happening, they bugger off in search of the Homeworld, that's the Promethaus/Engineer spin off arc. But leads also into the original Alien franchise tidy as you can possibly think of.

That took me all of 2 minutes to think up, longer to type.

I'm not saying I definitely could have scripted the dialogue better, but I know for a fact if I was given the time I could flesh it out and weave it even tidier with the individual events that occurred.

Instead they bottled it and hired a hack of a writer who supplied pathetic dialogue as well as a half baked, quasi-alien crap fest.
I also recently watched the original Alien film. The story line in Prometheus is almost exactly the same.

EDIT: shipinabottle, that is considerably better than what we got. Good job
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I was blown away by Prometheus when I saw it at the cinema last year. Yep I know about the story line inconsistencies / furore, hey I watched Alien 1 & 2, but thought it was a stunning film. My fave film of last year, although I didn't see many!
I'll hopefully enjoy when I get to see it a second time on Blu Ray. Or maybe I'll think it really is a pile of poop
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I enjoyed it more the second time round. i'm not sure what shipinbottles post is about, it doesn't tie up with alien because there are two more films planned, by the end of which it will tie up with alien. Part of the point of the squid that shaw removes and it attacking the engineer is that the face huggers are a result of the black goo, the rapid evolution and mixing of different dna's, and a result that the engineers have possibly no idea would happen, maybe they do, either way its showing the origins of the facehugger.
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I enjoyed it more the second time round. i'm not sure what shipinbottles post is about, it doesn't tie up with alien because there are two more films planned, by the end of which it will tie up with alien. Part of the point of the squid that shaw removes and it attacking the engineer is that the face huggers are a result of the black goo, the rapid evolution and mixing of different dna's, and a result that the engineers have possibly no idea would happen, maybe they do, either way its showing the origins of the facehugger.


The Xenomorph is depicted on the wall prior to any of the events that later occur. Engineers know how to build the Xenomorph and have done before.

My version allows a Prometheus/Alien tie perfectly. The execs decided they didn't want a direct connection between Prometheus and the alien franchise. Prometheus sequels will NOT branch into the original alien story.

My way you got both, a credible prequel and a offshoot story we could all enjoy in reference to the Engineers and Alien.

Instead we get a half and half, it's like making a pie but not putting any filling in.
It was all there, and as I pointed out, it was well within possibility to have the best of both worlds with 4 minor changes.

I'm not going to say its a good film,because it isn't, it's not a terrible film either , but what makes it such a ****** waste of time, is that they missed a huge opportunity, one that can now never be made, this is why Alien fans are annoyed.
are you sure you are not mistaking assumption for fact though, the mural sculpture is of a xenomorph yes but the reason for it being there are not yet explained. And although they were clear that Prometheus was not a direct sequel to alien, how does that also translate to the two more planned films not having some kind of more direct connection.
The Xenomorph is depicted on the wall prior to any of the events that later occur. Engineers know how to build the Xenomorph and have done before.

Not strictly true, the mural more implies that they perhaps worship the xeno and are maybe tinkering around with it's DNA to create other creatures/WMD's.
Not strictly true, the mural more implies that they perhaps worship the xeno and are maybe tinkering around with it's DNA to create other creatures/WMD's.

The Xeno is a paratoid. Parasitic, it's origin is more likely conceived of by The Engineers as a weapon, as has been hinted at in the past. It takes on the traits of the being it comes in contact with and then aggresively overtakes the habitat.

The engineers are creators of life. It's more likely they designed this than found it on another planet.

Even then, them creating a living weapon used for terraforming is a far better story than, 'oh we found it and er just kept it around for kicks and studies (either of which isn't even told in the film anyways)'

are you sure you are not mistaking assumption for fact though, the mural sculpture is of a xenomorph yes but the reason for it being there are not yet explained. And although they were clear that Prometheus was not a direct sequel to alien, how does that also translate to the two more planned films not having some kind of more direct connection.

Because Spaights' was an Alien script, in interviews with both these writers they've said how Lindelof was brought in by the execs to 'de-alien' the film.

Execs have lost faith in the original franchise after the terrible sequels, they didn't trust the modern audience to attach to it, so they wanted a separate saga to make money from instead of your average audience seeing he trailer, seeing aliens and thinking 'oh not this rubbish again...'

The Deacon at the end of Prometheus is the humanoid Xeno form that goes onto being the catalyst for The alien films.

Lindelof - "I felt that the punchline of Prometheus was going to be that there is human DNA in what we have come to know as the human xenomorph."

Emphasis on Human Xeno, The Xeno that's depicted on the wall, it has arms and legs in proportion. it's a humanoid Xeno. As opposed to the dog, bull, fish, predator, etc etc we've seen depicted throughout the 'alien' mythos

He says it's open to interpretation whether this one goes onto be the Alien from the films, but that's hack writing.

I massively, doubt we'll see the Xenomorph in any of the follow sequels to Prometheus, that's the connection we got, The Deacon, and it was ****.

I could have written or even just mapped a much better tie in than Lindelof has in the end and still had a new franchise to milk that had no other link to Aliens.

You can pick holes in the theory, but as Lindelof said, it's all open to interpretation, and that isn't a good thing, and it's all he does, he's Vague and open ended, instead of being a brass balled writer and giving us a definitive on the focus. It's poor writing, and usually divides the audience, one says 'oh but we don't need all the answers and lets us think up our own interpretation'... The other says 'we've been sold half a story'.

And of course this is all speculation, but it's based of everything we've been told and shown so far *[ Can't wait for somebody to highlight just this line and say 'well that's it isn't it, it's your, like, opinion bro' offering **** all to the debate]*
All opinions on Lindelhof aside, just how relevant is his writing style to the next two films when we already know he isnt involved in the next one. Also the reasons for them not making another film about the same xenomorph, do not necesserally mean that there will be no connection either.
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Necro, has no one really posted about this film for so long.

Anyway after watching many videos on YouTube about it, including what was in the draft script.
This should have been an epic film.
Do any of the deleted scenes available on the blue ray version add anything back in to improve it?
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Dam this is a old thread.

yep i am sure the deleted scenes add a lot, it was a long while ago since I watched them but i am sure it adds more to the engineers and flushes out the story a little more.
There is a fan edit online in certain places that puts back in all the cut scenes, improves the movie drastically.
Thanks. Need to track them down.

Here they are with brief synopsis:

  1. Prometheus: Giftbearer (February 2013)
Incorporated deleted, alternate and supplementary footage and made numerous edits to original scenes to strengthen story, clarify character motivation, and address some often-mentioned issues viewers had with the original theatrical release.

  1. Prometheus – Special Edition (May 2013)
Prometheus SE cuts out a lot of the unnecessary humor, dialog and scene's, building stronger, smarter characters. Removing many plot holes with the story and just general things that have issues. Such as Fifield getting lost in the structure, running in a straight line away from a rolling space craft. Deleted scene's or certain shots from the deleted footage was re-integrated back into the movie by either using several shots to change certain scene's or by adding a whole new scene to the film. All new material was color corrected, scored, sfx added and leveled to appropriate audio levels.

  1. Prometheus Unbound (November 2013)
Highlights of the edit include the following:

The opening sequence with the first Engineer has been all but replaced with the opening Ted Talk followed by a montage courtesy of Tree of Life. Holloway's douchy-ness has been seriously reduced, Shaw no longer makes faith-based decisions and Vickes' bitchiness has been mostly removed. No more exploding head and the attack on Fifield and Milburn has less idiocy on their part. The ship falls on Vickes without giving her time enough to "just make a right turn."

Giftbearer or unbound. Maybe I'll just watch both if I can find them
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