I'm planning on getting a Surround set-up soon. I will be getting two more XL2420T's and I will also be going SLI to drive the 3 screens.
My motherboard does not support SLI. When I upgraded from some DDR2 and an E8500 @ 4 Ghz I didn't know what my end game was and chose a cheapish motherboard and stuck a 2500k in it. It's perfect for now but will need to change. I don't want to change processer from SB to IB as the difference is next to nothing. I've accepted this as part of the upgrade process
I'm caught in three minds:
a) buy a new motherboard and a new 680 and have this as my "end game" set-up
b) buy a new motherboard and monitors when the next generation of cards arrive and SLI the 780
c) same as option A but sell the 680's when next generation arrives and buy two 780's
As the performance of the 780's are unknown it makes it a little trickier. Option C is the least attractive to me as I would take a largeish hit on selling a 680 and this is multiplied by 2.
Your thoughts please. Just looking to get the feelers out and get some more opinions really....
My motherboard does not support SLI. When I upgraded from some DDR2 and an E8500 @ 4 Ghz I didn't know what my end game was and chose a cheapish motherboard and stuck a 2500k in it. It's perfect for now but will need to change. I don't want to change processer from SB to IB as the difference is next to nothing. I've accepted this as part of the upgrade process

I'm caught in three minds:
a) buy a new motherboard and a new 680 and have this as my "end game" set-up
b) buy a new motherboard and monitors when the next generation of cards arrive and SLI the 780
c) same as option A but sell the 680's when next generation arrives and buy two 780's
As the performance of the 780's are unknown it makes it a little trickier. Option C is the least attractive to me as I would take a largeish hit on selling a 680 and this is multiplied by 2.
Your thoughts please. Just looking to get the feelers out and get some more opinions really....