BitFenix Recon Owners

29 Aug 2012

We're[1] working on the next release of Phoebetria and would like to know what you, the users, would like to see added.

Features already scheduled:
  • Logging
  • Software auto
  • Users Preferences
  • Naming of channels

Not possible for the next release (due to workload):
  • Web interface

Also, if you're using Linux and can help make release packages for your distro of choice we'd love to hear from you!


[1] We're a two person team not associated with BitFenix; Phoebetria is a third party application not endorsed by BitFenix (although I have it on good authority they have no problem with the software ;-))
What would be nice is being able to disable a channel when in full auto. I dont use my last channel for anything but in auto it still tryis to spin it up for some reason
Also any chance you can get it stable on win 7 64 bit

Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:	APPCRASH
  Application Name:	Phoebetria.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp:	504a7462
  Fault Module Name:	StackHash_0a9e
  Fault Module Version:
  Fault Module Timestamp:	00000000
  Exception Code:	c0000005
  Exception Offset:	00018800
  OS Version:	6.1.7601.
  Locale ID:	2057
  Additional Information 1:	0a9e
  Additional Information 2:	0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
  Additional Information 3:	0a9e
  Additional Information 4:	0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
^^ Not good to hear since when my Recon comes next week orso (have yet to place the order) i was going to use this software rather than the OEM stuff.
It doesnt actually stay open for longer than about 30 sec before crashing, theres a good chance its just a compile error and easily fixed with a separate 64bit exe
Ok, this is the first I've known of this bug. Phoebetria has been running for 9 days (win7 64-bit, through sleep/wake cycles) without any leaks or crashes on my machine at home, so there is obviously something I missed. It's feedback like this that we need, thank you!

Also, which version are you running? And, have you turned off the official fan controller service (using services.exe). Previous versions of Phoebetria worked ok with the bitfenix service still running but the last release made some changes (for the better) and those changes may be being influenced by the bitfenix service[1]. When I get home today I'll do some more tests.

I think that a good idea would be for me to add some more debugging stuff so that bugs like this can be narrowed down. If you have the inclination, please email me (my email address can be gained from the sourceforge site... just look at the commit messages ;-) If you can't find it easily, let me know and I'll post my email address here.

What I can do is send you a pre-release version. I know there was a bug that I fixed shortly after the release of the last version that *may* be causing your problems.

@Scooby: our aim is certainly to make it better than the "official" software ;)

[1] The changes we made involved taking notice of the ACK/NAK responses received from the device and making sure every command Phoebetria issues is checked against an an ACK/NAK to ensure that the command is recognised (or rejected) by the recon. Since the service sends its own requests then possibly things are getting messed up (e.g. Phoebetria would be getting messed up ACK/NAKs). I'll probably have to work out a way to check if the bitfenix service is running and warn the user if it is (or turn off the queueing in Phoebetria if it's likely to cause problems)

Edit: Despite the trouble I am having with timezones (I am in Australia) I will try to resolve this bug as quickly as possible and get a new release out for Windows.
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What would be nice is being able to disable a channel when in full auto. I dont use my last channel for anything but in auto it still tryis to spin it up for some reason

Sorry, missed this comment this morning. Yeah, I think that's something we can incorporate. It'll still show on the recon display though (there is not that much we can do about how the actual hardware behaves)

It doesnt actually stay open for longer than about 30 sec before crashing, theres a good chance its just a compile error and easily fixed with a separate 64bit exe

I am 99% sure that I have fixed the bug that may be causing your issue (in the development branch though... grrr). What I think I might do is upload a version of Phoebetria that represents the current build status and see whether or not you still experience the crash. The upload will not be feature complete (because 1.2.0 isn't finished yet -- everything from 1.1.1 will work except profiles... good enough for bug elimination) but it's finished enough that you can test -- basically just to see if the bug is still present, if you don't mind. I'll upload the .exe only so you don't have to download all the libs again (which make up the bulk of the download -- the qt libs are ~99% of the download)

As for a native 64-bit version (rather than a 32-bit .exe) it's not going to happen before 1.2.0 is released, unfortunately. Lots of reasons. First, I'd like to fix the bug you're experiencing with the previous release. Second, I will have to update my toolchain, recompile Qt, etc, etc, which is probably a few days work (I can't work on it full time). But it will happen. Quicker if we can someone who has a 64-bit toolchain :-)
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Yep unfortunately same again

Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:	APPCRASH
  Application Name:	Phoebetria.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp:	506154e6
  Fault Module Name:	StackHash_0a9e
  Fault Module Version:
  Fault Module Timestamp:	00000000
  Exception Code:	c0000005
  Exception Offset:	0321836b
  OS Version:	6.1.7601.
  Locale ID:	2057
  Additional Information 1:	0a9e
  Additional Information 2:	0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
  Additional Information 3:	0a9e
  Additional Information 4:	0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

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FYI this is a fresh install only 10-12 days ago and has nothing but drivers, MS antivirus and diablo 3 installed.
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Yep unfortunately same again


FYI this is a fresh install only 10-12 days ago and has nothing but drivers, MS antivirus and diablo 3 installed.

Bummer :(

Umm, can I just make sure that you don't have the bitfenix supplied "fancontroller" service running, before I go hunting further? (Just want to rule that out).
Ahh yes I do is that whats causing the issue? I didnt realise the two couldnt be running together.

Tested it without and it works great, sorry

If you require any testers for 64bit win then let me know
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Ahh yes I do is that whats causing the issue? I didnt realise the two couldnt be running together.

Tested it without and it works great, sorry

It *USED* to work with both running. But as of 1.1.2 it could cause problems (well, it obviously is!). I shall try and work out how to add a check to disable the bitfenix service if phoebetria is run (and re-enable it after phoebtria is exited). Thank you heaps for bringing this to my attention; I'll make it a #1 issue to resolve.

Edit: that said, I hope the 1.1.2 *release* version (not the experimental version I just uploaded) works as well once disabling the bitfenix service. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't (I'd have to download 1.1.2 LOL)... but at least 1.2.0 should be ok when we get there
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Ive had another thought

If possible can you make it so all fans can be controlled off a single temp? so you set temp one for example which controls the speeds of all fans and the other probes are just used for monitoring. Not sure if thats a software or hardware thing though
Ive had another thought

If possible can you make it so all fans can be controlled off a single temp? so you set temp one for example which controls the speeds of all fans and the other probes are just used for monitoring. Not sure if thats a software or hardware thing though

Yes, that is planned. Also planned (and similar) is locking two channels together (so the fans for the locked channels run at the same speed).

It's a software thing, the recon hardware doesn't support it, so it will be implemented at the same time as "software auto" (next release)


Clarification/correction: The temp control from a single probe is slated to be implemented in the version after the next; the locking two fans to the same speed is for next release
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Hi, not sure about what you have done so far.

What I would hope for when downloading your application is:

  • Faster response after selecting profiles, sometimes the Bitfenix app will take a long time to change fan speeds.
  • I would like to get more increments on the scale, I don't think 100 per step is enough.

Thanks for taking the time to develop this, sounds promising. :)
Hi, not sure about what you have done so far.

What I would hope for when downloading your application is:

  • Faster response after selecting profiles, sometimes the Bitfenix app will take a long time to change fan speeds.
  • I would like to get more increments on the scale, I don't think 100 per step is enough.

Thanks for taking the time to develop this, sounds promising. :)

Hi Brian,

Thanks for the reply

I think Phoebetria already responds faster than the bitfenix app. I am certain it responds as fast as possible given hardware restraints anyway[1] :-)

The 100-step increments. Yeah I agree a step size of 100 is too large. I actually don't know for certain what happens when you set a speed that isn't a multiple of 100. I know it doesn't display, for example, 1250 on the Recon's LED display... whether or not the speed is actually at 1250 (despite the display) is still open for debate. I have done some limited experimentation... see here: After I do some more testing I might implement in Phoebetria step sizes that are not multiples of 100 (it would be implemented as an experimental user-selectable function). I want to get the "software-auto" working in steps of 100 first, though ;)


[1] Sending all the settings for a profile theoretically takes ~~2 seconds as far as I can tell. If you go from manual to auto then the Recon (in hardware) will set fan speeds to max and it will take a while to stabilise; the same happens if you set an alarm speed lower than what it's currently set to.

The fan ramp I showed above has a couple of advantages over the built-in (hardware) auto. First, you can set the temperature where the speed starts to ramp up. Second, the temperature for the ramp end is independent from the alarm temp. This means that ramps with higher slope can be achieved -- even working with the 100rpm step limit
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Thanks for the reply Craig!

Sounds really good, was wondering if you have a stable version I can try out? I suppose I could help you with the beta (finding bugs) if you want the help.

My Bitfenix app takes up to 30 seconds sometimes and will ramp the fans up too during that time.

Edit: I downloaded it, works well so far. :)
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