OverclockersUK selling second hand Motherboard as Brand new

21 Jul 2009
Hello, I am very disappointed, the EVGA X79 FTW motherboard I bought this week with the last order, have one EVGA factory seal already previously (who knows why) cutted, below a intact "brand new" transparent intact wrap foil, the cutted EVGA factory seal can be seen below the intact transparent wrap foil, therefore this "new" wrap transparent foil was added (I guess by overclockers UK) to resell this motherboard again as brand new, can you tell me please if is OK for me to return this motherboard to overclocers UK ? , thank you
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Thank you for the answers and the help, please understand my situation, I have no idea why this motherboard was wrapped again with transparent foil, can be (I guess) a RMA or something else, obviously OverclockersUK cannot replace the EVGA factory seal and only was able to add a new transparent external wrap foil.
We do not have a transparent foil sealing machine at Overclockers.
EVGA use transparent foil on all of their graphics cards currently.
We do not sell second hand graphics cards as new, these would go in our B-Grade section.
These are bought directly from EVGA.

Have you looked at the card yet to see what condition it is in?
Thank you 5UB, I bought the 24 September a EVGA FTW X79 Motherboard, the cutted EVGA factory seal can be seen below the external intact transparent wrap foil, I need to get a high resolution camera to take a picture, my mobile phone cannot take close-up picture, this is obviously a second hand motherboard, the product was opened already before by someone and is not a brand new motherboard
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Can you open it to see the contents and see how they are please too. We can replace it that is not a problem. But it is nothing to do with us, it is more than likely EVGA who has put it in that condition.
Thank you 5UB for the help, I left intact the external transparent wrap foil on the left side of this mobo box where is the previously cutted seal below the transparent foil is, now I opened the right side of the mobo box where the other EVGA factory seal was still intact, I saw two reviews of this EVGA FTW X79 Mobo before I made the order, therefore I know what is the original box conditions for this mobo, this are the findings:

1) The EVGA metal badged is missing, I cannot find it
2) The motherboard was inside of the antistatic bag, but the sheet of dark gray bubble protection was outside the antistatic bag and not as the original condition inside the antistatic bag.
3) The plastic cap protection on top of the extra 8 pin power connector for the CPU is missing.
4) The first page of the small includen manual instructions to teach how install the CPU (which is glued on top of the CPU pins protection plastic) is brocken and strangely glued on the back of the yellow antistatic warnings precaution sticker of the antistatic bag
4) The motherboard apparently looks OK
I left intact the external transparent wrap foil on the left side of this mobo box where is the previously cutted seal below the transparent foil is, therefore I can still show that there is a cutted EVGA factory seal below the transparent external foil .

my mobile cannot take close-up picture, but here is the cutted EVGA factory seal, I will get a high resolution camera

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If you have pictures that will be great, I will check tomorrow the others we have in stock to see if they are the same.
I took a picture, but my mobile phone cannot get close-up picture at good resolution, I will ask a friend if he can borrow me a photo camera
I insist, the transparent external wrap foil on top of the left EVGA factory cutted seal is still there intact on the mobo box

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Was your I/O plate still sealed and other packets that where in the box as shown in the video?

Hello, yes basically almost all was inside, was missing the sticker on top of the extra power 8 pin connector for the CPU, the bubble sheet mobo protector was outside the antistatic bag instead of be inside the antistatic bag, the purpose of this bubble sheet is to avoid the sharp soldered pins of the motherboard punching the antistatic bag, this is the reason the bubble sheet must be inside the bag, the awful surprise was to find the first page of the small includen manual instructions to teach how install the CPU (which is glued on top of the CPU pins protection plastic) tear/brocken and strangely glued on the back of the yellow antistatic warnings precaution sticker of the antistatic bag

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From checking stock it looks exactly the same as the picture you have described however it appears that there are two EVGA seals on both end of the box overlapping from what I can see through the film.
If EVGA are anything like us they might have had an all status and had to open the boxes to add something (maybe new bios or a manual addendum) then resealed. Nothing to worry about. A used one wouldnt have the clear wrap i would have thought either.
If EVGA are anything like us they might have had an all status and had to open the boxes to add something (maybe new bios or a manual addendum) then resealed. Nothing to worry about. A used one wouldnt have the clear wrap i would have thought either.

That is correct, most motherboards manufacturers do not seal the boxes in general for this reason. They usually just have a seal on the antistatic bag which can easily be resealed by the manufacturer, when they need to update the motherboards etc.
Hello, please can you tell me if to swap the bios is necessary to tear the instructions and leave the mobo for the customer with this conditions ?. The idiot that put his hands before me in this motherboard is a stupid, he have left the gray bubble protection sheet outside the antistatic bag, instead (as the review videos of this mobo show) of inside the antistatic bag together with the mobo, the gray protection bubble sheet is there to avoid the sharp pins of the mobo to punch the antistatic bag

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