
29 Aug 2003
Yes, it's that time of the evening children..!

This caught my eye;

"Horsemeat accounted for approximately 29% of the meat content in one sample from Tesco."

My question is this: has anyone noticed horsemeat listed in the ingredients listed for meat products they've ever bought?

Do you mind eating horse?

Does anyone know which bits of the horse go in? :p
Never seen it listed, but wouldn't have a problem with it as such assuming it was of the same 'quality' as the other meat.
The concern I would have here is according to the article there was no reason for it to be in the burgers as the factories don't apparently process it.
I'm not going to horse around.. so i will get to the point.

Does not bother me too much as long as it's labeled.
im sure McDonalds will love them using a pic of their burgers considering nothing in the article accuses McDonalds of using horse meat
Yes, it's that time of the evening children..!

This caught my eye;

"Horsemeat accounted for approximately 29% of the meat content in one sample from Tesco."

My question is this: has anyone noticed horsemeat listed in the ingredients listed for meat products they've ever bought?

Do you mind eating horse?

Does anyone know which bits of the horse go in? :p

Yup but only after I had been eating it for a few years :eek:

There is definitely a difference between Chorizo with horse in it than that without, I don't like the idea of eating no :/

Nope and I don't wanna know!
I'm guessing they have some beef with using cows, so are bucking the trend and using horse. In the mane I don't have a problem with it ;)
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I'm more worried that Tesco has obviously lost control of its food chain, if they can slip in horse without anybody noticing then they can chuck in any old mouldy carcass.

Somebodies probably going to get fired over this.
I'm more worried that Tesco has obviously lost control of its food chain, if they can slip in horse without anybody noticing then they can chuck in any old mouldy carcass.

Somebodies probably going to get fired over this.

What's it got to do with tesco.
These are big food factories that will supplie most of the supermarkets and other brand names. Tesco is just a buyer.
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