OcUK Photo Comp - THE FUTURE (pt2)

6 Nov 2005
Dear All

Thanks for taking the time to give us some feedback in the last thread. We (the judges) have talked it over amongst ourselves and I think we've all independently come to the same conclusion.

It was plain, as is not uncommon on the forum, that everybody had pretty polar opinions and ideas. We have those who:

- like it as it is and wouldn't want any change
- don't like the specific themes
- would prefer rolling themes
- would prefer a voting system
- would be interested in prizes
- think the scoring could be altered
- would want separate categories for ability
- would want separate categories for equipment
- wouldn't want critique on certain elements (e.g. processing), because they haven't bothered

At the end of the day, I think whatever we would choose, most people aren't going to be impressed enough to start entering. As the judges, we all feel that the competition is there to stretch people as much as anything else. Hence, although it seems the most common gripe, we all like the theme system as it stands and have always attempted to get people to consider things that are outside of their comfort zones. This is, after all, how you learn. It's obvious that people would prefer a dumbed-down (in one way or another) theme system, which is both disappointing to us and rather boring to mark. We've dedicated a lot of time over the years (Ichabod Crane started doing this in 2007!), and we too have to have some enjoyment out of it. For those that were after generic themes, 'circles' doesn't get that much more generic, but we still only had 8 entries - thanks to those who submitted something - despite the competition never having had a higher visibility on the board.

So, we have all come to the conclusion that after this round of marking, we'll give the competition a hiatus. How brief or permanent, who knows, but we think it would benefit from taking a break. Hopefully that would perhaps allow it to return with some fanfare when the time is right. If people are that put out (which we doubt, given the numbers entering), then perhaps someone could trial a voting-based competition in its place?

It's been fun while it lasted, but watching it die on its feet is starting to feel very morbid for us. Hence, 'so long and thanks for all the fish.'

A.N.Other, Ichabod Crane & Oxygen
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Makes sense, I did intend to get something in for this month but just ran out of time.

I think an interim solution of a vote based comp would at least keep things going. Have entries emailed in and then posted in a thread anonymously for voting?
As the opening post states this has been discussed over the past month by the judges and we all felt a break was an appropriate solution at this time. We have all really enjoyed doing the competition and thank all those who have entered over the years and made marking it enjoyable and hopefully got as much out of the process as we did.

In good faith we will mark the February entries.
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Well I'm I disappointed that the monthly competition is to be laid to rest at least in the short term. The attraction for me was the challenge of subjects that I hadn't previously considered. Yes it was difficult to squeeze into an already crowded life but the discipline of a single image a month stopped photography being squeezed completely out of my weekly grind. Thank you to the judges who freely gave so much of their time marking and maintaining the score boards. I'll have look round for a similar competition but I rather liked the informal, less traditional feel that this competition had and I don't hold out much hope of success. I'm sorry it's over for now but we have to respect the decision of the judging panel.
The fact that this post has seen over 80 views and only 4 post inc OP, and that 2 of the posters are judges, tells me you have made the right choice.

Tis a shame, im as guilty as anyone, but have lost interest of late, the turn over of togs has slowed down to, which prob has something to do with it.

I like the idea of a entry/voting system in the interim though, hope someone picks that mantle up.
sad thing is that although I was aware of the comp, I always seemed to miss the threads. I found this months one at 23:30 on the 28th, giving me 30 mins to get an entry in and the idea I had instantly pop to mind was 40 mins away :p

I think awareness was one of the main issues.
sad thing is that although I was aware of the comp, I always seemed to miss the threads. I found this months one at 23:30 on the 28th, giving me 30 mins to get an entry in and the idea I had instantly pop to mind was 40 mins away :p

I think awareness was one of the main issues.

There is a sticky thread every month though.
This is really sad. I know my participation was sporadic at best, but the fantastic critiques were invaluable and I'm very grateful to the judges for providing them. I do hope it comes back at some point, perhaps with a more appreciative audience.
So, we have all come to the conclusion that after this round of marking, we'll give the competition a hiatus. How brief or permanent, who knows, but we think it would benefit from taking a break.

First of all, I would like to warmly thank the judges, past and present for their effort over years. My photography has benefited from the OcUK competition as it has stretched me and encouraged me to try new things.

I think that the decision to have a break is a good one. I for one wanted to compete but was failing to keep up with the schedule.

I have a constructive suggestion:

Can we please have a "summer" round of the competition?

Rules as usual, but a time frame of "July and August" to cover the holiday period when most folk have the best chance to get out and about. Theme to be picked by the judges.

If this seems like a good idea, can we replace the sticky with one that pre-announces this competition.

I would personally look forward to this, and give it my best when the time comes.

I'm thinking towards the lines of "bigger competitions, less often", with each comp being significant in it's own right rather than the one-a-month tournament where missing a round means that you are toast for the year. But baby steps first - just one round to see how it goes.

Most of my thought have already been said by others, it's sad to see it go but in its current form it was slowly dying.

For the past two years I've had great fun participating, it's pushed my photography (both technical and creative) and respect the Judges for their effort and time they have put into it.

Whilst on the hiatus maybe we can set challenges for each other, otherwise look forward to the hopeful return of a revised comp.

It is sad to see it go.....wish I'd have got something in for feb now! :(

Well at the very least I feel it's helped me develop my skills. Looking back over my photos I can see an improvement in all areas, and while they may not be perfect, they are still a hell of a lot better than they were :)

So thank you judges for the feedback andvfor keeping the competition going as long as you have
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First of all, I would like to warmly thank the judges, past and present for their effort over years. My photography has benefited from the OcUK competition as it has stretched me and encouraged me to try new things.

I think that the decision to have a break is a good one. I for one wanted to compete but was failing to keep up with the schedule.

I have a constructive suggestion:

Can we please have a "summer" round of the competition?

Rules as usual, but a time frame of "July and August" to cover the holiday period when most folk have the best chance to get out and about. Theme to be picked by the judges.

If this seems like a good idea, can we replace the sticky with one that pre-announces this competition.

I would personally look forward to this, and give it my best when the time comes.

I'm thinking towards the lines of "bigger competitions, less often", with each comp being significant in it's own right rather than the one-a-month tournament where missing a round means that you are toast for the year. But baby steps first - just one round to see how it goes.


Not a bad idea as a lot of people have time off for one reason or another during this period :)

Personally I never get around to entering as I always find myself busy and only seem to do much with photography in bursts (no pun intended!) so miss most.

The more active photographers seem to have stopped posting/entering here too, so that's obviously had a big dent in entries.
Whilst on the hiatus maybe we can set challenges for each other, otherwise look forward to the hopeful return of a revised comp.


I like the sound of this. The main reason I liked the competitions was the feedback and the impetus to try something new, so I would welcome anything else that offers the same. Did you have anything in mind for how it would work?
Thank you judges for all of you hard work and feedback over the last couple of years. This competition has taught me nearly everything I know about photography (I only started in 2011). I look forward to a revised format and will be happy to fully support any future venture.
Thanks judges. I feel guilty for not getting my act together and entering more often. It's difficult to get decent critique so the OCUK competition was an ideal one to enter for photographers wanting to improve.

However generic 'Circles' may have been though, I couldn't think of anything to enter! If I don't enter this month, my first entry will have been my highest ever, and my last my lowest ever, so like some others I can't say the competition has improved my photography. ;)

I like the idea of a summer competition. :)
I'd be happy to organise some sort of competition if there was interest in it and do all the boring bits, but I don't think I'm anywhere near qualified to be a judge so would need help there.

Perhaps we should leave it a while as intended, but I'd hate to see the competitions completely disappear for the long term.
A big thank you to all involved in the comp, especialy the judges.
I have enjoyed entering a few times and allways enjoyed seeing everyones photos and have often learnt something new.
Also looking foward to see how ive done in the last comp.
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