Changes in the law with regards to filtering

Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
I came across this article here:

It's probably old (sorry if it is) but I think it's a good step in the right direction. :)

"If you are filtering past traffic which is stopped or almost stopped and someone pulls out in front of you close enough that you cannot avoid a collision when travelling at a reasonable speed then the responsibility for the collision rests squarely with the other driver"

Obviously a lot of that is still open to interpretation, and hopefully this will mean that bikers don't think they have a carte blanche to filter like dickheads - but it's still a good step in the right direction in giving bikers a little more defense. :)
Haha! It came in my news feed of new articles :confused: ah well, still good to remind ourselves that as long as we are not dicks when filtering we should be okay, that's if we've been noticed of course!
I was knocked off while filtering a few years ago and it went in my favour. I was just coming 'out' of filtering, into the right lane, and a Focus cut into that lane from the left. I actually hit the back right hand corner of his car having tried to avoid him, but he not only pulled into the lane, but then practically stopped as the traffic slowed a bit.

I did have a witness though who (presumably) sided with me. I wasn't sure which way it would go - I considered it 100% his fault for not looking in his mirrors, but thought the law may go against me.

This is good news though but also hope it doesn't lead to a rise in stupid filtering at too high a relative speed.

I slowed down a lot in my filtering, I actually was hit twice but only knocked off once. The one where I didn't come off was totally her fault though, she clouted me with the side of her car while I was level with her :/
had one idiot woman car driver today actually close up the gap on me,stupid

See this all the time on the motorway, traffic is at a standstill or 5mph, and people will jump lanes or leave no room between the lanes...

Doesn't really take much to keep an eye on your mirrors and keep over to the far side of your lane giving a bike plenty of'll even get a thumbs up 90% of the time!
You always get some morons that absolutely MUST be able to watch the queue of traffic by poking the nose of their car out between lanes. ****es me right off :mad:
Now we need to have pedestrians stopped crossing in between cars, lorries and busses etc. Clipped a kid about 5 years ago who darted out between cars, I was the last bike in line that had just filtered and the little twerp didn't bother looking.

I used to (and still would if I had a bike) filter like a mad man. But I would never push my luck. I will kiss my own arse here and go as far as saying I can read traffic very well.

In years of heavy filtering on a Ducati (not the easiest to ride at low speeds) I never once had a 'near miss'.
My recent filtering incident I cited davis vs schrogin and in the civil case for injury they capitulated and paid up but the insurance company still went 50 50 the gits. Considering grounds for misrepresentation...
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