Dying Light - PC next gen zombie open world game?

24 Oct 2005
North East

Just saw this while browsing the coming soon section on steam and this came up at the end.

Looks canny like even tho im not into zombie stuff at all the open worldness of it does intrigues me as well as 4 player co-op.

Bit of info and a vid demo i think is over here.


Edit -

Tip from Antony101 post 1540 on how to change the fov.

Field of view (FOV)
Fix Edit video.scr
Go to the configuration file(s) location.
Open video.scr with a text editor.
Modify the value for ExtraGameFov. 20 equates to 72° vertical (102° horizontal on a 16:9 monitor) FOV.
Guide, walkthrough, tips and collectibles.


Tweak guide
Last edited:
Oh Brink, what a pile of crud that was. I think they blew their budget on the trailer and threw the game together with a couple quid. Shocking game.

Dying Light looks interesting, at the mo anyway.
Same developers as Dead Island. So upgrade from DI

Could be good, as long as it's the FULL CAMPAIGN in 4 player co-op.

DI was crap as a solo player endeavour and I would be totally uninterested in Dying Light as a solo experience.

DI had some nasty nasty console niggles also. FOV, binding and general settings issues that all needed to be resolved by .ini file tweaking or using a 3rd party tool. Hopefully not something that this new title will be plagued with.
Trailer looks great but we have all seen fantastic looking trailers which end up being a polished turd. Hope not though.
Screenshots certainly look pretty - will be interesting to see how similar those staged/ retouched shots will be to true gameplay.

4 player co-op sounds promising.
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