Dying Light - PC next gen zombie open world game?

I had to remind myself that I was watching game play and not a film; I love the environmental effects (best wind effects I've seen yet), and the lighting was beautiful.

I thought the dude at the end looked similar to a bloodsucker.

I hope it has at least some gun play, though.
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Looks fun indeed. Very much like dead island though. Hopefully it won't get as boring as DI did as I lost interest about half way in and had to force myself to complete it.
yea all we really need if GTA style game + zombie outbreak + multiplayer
it would be awesome

All you need to do is check out the zombie mod for GTA IV, even though GTA IV is a pretty bad game by todays standards and it's strictly single player, it gives you a feel as to how epic GTA V zombie sandbox could be if they implement it.
I wonder if theres going to be much gun play in this...while its fun chopping into a zombies head i would imagine id get tired of that.
Mirrors Edge meets Dead Island, looks good, but that was clearly another fully scripted video like they did with the early Bioshock Infinite one.

Night time looks pretty intense.
Like someone has already said, it looks exactly like Dead Island with a bit of free running. Even the modding of the weapons are the same with the shock machete appearing in the video.

Good idea, but something like this needs to be completely open world play. Have a mixture of dayz type survival with dead island modding and include the free running away from hordes of zombies and you have my money..

Take that back, watched the whole video, freaky deaky at the end in night time...
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