SSD speeds/settings etc

20 Oct 2002
Oxfordshire / Bucks
Thanks to Wazza, got it all installed

found a link on here somewhere that helps to speed things up a bit, but I noticed RAPID mode seems to work the best

I have a Samsung EVO 120Gb, running on SATA 2

Before I put RAPID on, I timed the boot, and it took just over 2 minutes to get into windows
the first 40 seconds was the bios alone

then I put it on...

time to boot went down to 30 secs overall, the bios was done in just 15 seconds !

I took the as ssd screenie and I got this :


seems to good?

when I first got the drive, I was getting around a TOTAL score of 617
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speeds look fine,still should be faster booting in non rapid mode though? idk why its slow it shouldn't be
I don't use rapid mode, as my laptop only has 3gb of ram but I'll run the normal benchmark for you now...
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