Set up your PWM fans in SpeedFan

26 Oct 2013

I was looking around on the interwebs to see how to set PWM fans up correctly in SpeedFan and wasn't exactly spoilt for choice, so I thought I'd make a quick guide on how to set fans up to automatically change speed as and when your system needs cool air :)

1. Firstly, you'll want to get SpeedFan if you haven't already from here;

2. Next, install etc and head to your configuration options.


3. Go to the advanced panel and change your chip to the IT chip (this is your temperature control chip in your motherboard, not any of your hardware such as your HDD, CPU etc)


4. Here, you'll notice a number of PWM header settings (I have 3 for 3 fans.) This will include your CPU cooler and any external fans plugged into your motherboard. Set these all to software controlled and hit "remember it" at the bottom.


5. Next, go to the "Speeds" tab and you will see 3 of your fans. At the bottom (when you click on each PWM Fan) you will see a minimum value and a maximum value. These are the minimum and maximum percentage of your fan speeds that SpeedFan will be allowed to use. I have mine set to 30% minimum and 100% maximum. Make sure to hit 'automatically variated'


6. In the fan temperatures tab, you will need to set each temperature up. For each temperature reading, you will want to set the temperature (at the bottom) you want to keep that component at. This is in the desired box. For each temperature you will also want to hit the little square and choose which fans you want to change when that temperature gets too high, for example when my GPU gets too hot I have the case fans spin up (PWM 2 and PWM 3) to increase air flow. The CPU cooler wouldn't affect this for me.



7. That's pretty much it, you'll want to hit "Ok" and then make sure you use "Automatic fan speed" to make SpeedFan able to automatically variate the fan speeds.


Thanks for reading, hope you got it working! :D
Wonder when he will update next, it causes a BSOD with later Intel Storage driver, not sure if all OS but did on Win8.1.

He knows about issue though.
Thank you! I'm currently building a new unit to which I could use Corsair Link 2, but it's always nice to know alternative options.

No problem :)

Wonder when he will update next, it causes a BSOD with later Intel Storage driver, not sure if all OS but did on Win8.1.

He knows about issue though.

I'm using that and it doesn't seem to be causing any problems?
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