admins/mods subsection request?

17 Sep 2012
Can we have a "modding zone" or similar please? possibly a subsection of the project logs? or even better, 2 sections, a guides bit, and a "how do i do..." bit for people to request guides?

there are many talented people on this board, who can do some amazing mods, many of them are willing to share, but there isnt really an area for it, they get lost easily in general hardware etc.

Id be happy to do a few guides on 1 or two things, and im sure others will be happy to do the same, it also would allow people to browse it easily to stop asking the same questions (e.g how to spray paint stuff)

OCUK has recently put quite a few new items in stock that would be modding equipment (plastidip, sleeving etc etc) so it seems logical?
Post your project logs here and allow other forum members to see your latest idea take shape
^ not really anything about guides there is there?

lets face it, people go into there looking at computer builds, not looking for guides on how to bent acrylic, or how to spray fans or how to prepare aluminium etc etc...

hence asking for a subsection of the projects log, that has JUST mods in.
Good idea!

The forums is for enthusiasts but i was new last year and certainly would have helped me out having a dedicated modding section, im sure there is a vast amount of experiance to draw upon here to help draw up guides etc
Doesn't Case Central cover this?

not really no, i mod waterblocks quite often, nothing at all to do with cases...

also, again, writing a guide in there to show how to mod a certain case would fall so far down behind the "i want a new case, which should i have" posts that it wouldnt be seen without them knowing it was there, a guides/modding area would be an easier place to read through as it wouldnt be over populated with just random spec me threads etc
If we cant have a sub section, maybe the tutorials (if they are good enough) just be stickies at the top?

I do feel GH needs tidying up a little bit, all the "spec me" threads blot anything remotely helpful out a lot of the time.
not really no, i mod waterblocks quite often, nothing at all to do with cases...

also, again, writing a guide in there to show how to mod a certain case would fall so far down behind the "i want a new case, which should i have" posts that it wouldnt be seen without them knowing it was there, a guides/modding area would be an easier place to read through as it wouldnt be over populated with just random spec me threads etc
Point taken, I was over generalising.
I do feel GH needs tidying up a little bit, all the "spec me" threads blot anything remotely helpful out a lot of the time.
Agreed - I think we should have a sub forum for such threads.
+1 I'm all for this, agree the project log section although it includes the odd mods people do to cases it isn't clear which threads have which modding tips.
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