
30 May 2007
Blizzard has just announced Overwatch, a new franchise. This will be their first new franchise in 17 years.

- Team based, multiplayer shooter.
- Beta starts in 2015. Sign up here.

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Does it have a capture the flag mode?

The attacking team's objective is to move the payload to a delivery point, while the defenders must halt the attackers' progress until time runs out.

Two teams battle over control of the map, one team on offense, the other on defense. The attackers' goal is to capture critical objectives, while the defenders must maintain control over them until time runs out.

The two modes so far. Doesn't seem so.
It looks like all these features they made would be great in a single player game, but will have limited use in multiplayer.
Just saw this article from September posted elsewhere regarding the scrapped Titan game


All of the people who described the game to me made a lot of Team Fortress comparisons both in terms of aesthetics and gameplay. Three people who saw the game have compared the aesthetics to Team Fortress 2, with one source describing it as a cross between StarCraft II's in-game cinematics and Pixar's The Incredibles.

Sounds like this Overwatch could be a cut down version of that cancelled project.
i relly like the aesthetic of the game also the fact that the female toons have full armour and not bikinis is a nice change.

Looks like plenty of scope for decent strategy also, will sign up for the beta for sure
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