
Yeah it looks like a lot of fun, can't wait to be able to try it. Hate blizzcon because of the wait after it. Atleast hearthstone expansion is soon.
What makes TF2 still one of my most played games is the simplicity of the class choices with all classes having weaknesses of some kind against others really, it will be a bit of a nightmare to balance 12 classes I think!

However graphically does look nice so I may sign up see if I can get onto the beta.

The character art direction is looking kind of like they watched a bunch of manga/anime and decided to draw from that, not sure on whether I like it or not.
this looks great, i want to play as winston :D

although i don't want to get too hyped in case they slam on a monthly fee and put me off lol
it will fail.

basically they just trying to salvage something from 7 yrs of work on titan.

the market with fps games like this are already established. its saturated.

It's Blizzard. They have enough fans who will buy it and play it. Payment wise, it will moSt likely be a one off purchase, with transactions for things like skins.
Maybe wait to play it first before writing it off ? just seems facetious to proclaim it's doom without actually knowing how it plays.
it will fail.

basically they just trying to salvage something from 7 yrs of work on titan.

the market with fps games like this are already established. its saturated.

If they've got a bunch of assets and something half working no harm knocking up a "cutesy" FPS I guess, people will buy it :S even if it won't become a massive success.

Seemed to be a bit of a mismatch of inspiration from different games and not my kind of thing.
In order to try and compete with TF2 they really need to make it either very cheap (like £10/$10) or free and keep up development, as Valve do for TF2. The issue is Activision never do anything cheaply and will try to gouge as much money as they can from it. If they try to sell this at £39.99 then it will fail epically.
No idea why they are trying to break into an already saturated market but then again their moba is the same imo, Regardless not my cup of team so I wont be paying, I mean playing come release.
No idea why they are trying to break into an already saturated market but then again their moba is the same imo, Regardless not my cup of team so I wont be paying, I mean playing come release.

Blizzard has a lot of fans. People who will play their games, because Blizzard made them. That brings an existing fan base to a brand new game and franchise. And if it's a good game, you just add to that.
No idea why they are trying to break into an already saturated market but then again their moba is the same imo, Regardless not my cup of team so I wont be paying, I mean playing come release.

They would have spent tens if not hundreds of millions on Titan, they might as well salvage something from all that work, time and money.
Hmm not too sure about this game. Seems like a mix of TF2 and Global Agenda, which isn't a bad thing, but I have a feeling this will turn into a moba style game where they release new "heroes" on a fairly frequent basis, something which i'm not a fan of.
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