
  1. George23ed

    asus RT 86u mesh 1gbsp

    Hi I have got 1gbps from Virgin media and have tested in directly from the superhub 5 and the speed is over 1gbps all the time wired. I have two asus rt 86u on ai mesh and I kind of know what I am doing but since I upgraded to 1gbps, the wireless speed on 802.11ac is maxing out around...
  2. richardjb

    1Gbps vs 866Mbps = confused

    Please could someone try to explain the following phenomena to me, with possible reasons. NB I fully appreciate there is a s.ton of variables at play here, so it wont be a simple single answer, but would like ideas. - When my desktop is connected at 1Gbps wired through to a 1Gbps connected NAS...
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