
  1. NOQ

    7900 XT problems

    Hello. I would like some advice from those who know more about graphic cards. Ordered a 7900 XT along with a new power supply which is 1000w gold. The power supply is fantastic! The 7900 Xt not so much. Before installing my 7900 XT I used display driver uninstaller. Once I booted up and...
  2. NOQ

    AMD coupon code questions

    Hi all Purchased a 7900 XT + 1000w power supply. I paid using Amazon pay and only created my account after my purchase. Under my purchase history nothing shows. I’ve checked my invoice, after reading some threads the coupon code is next to a barcode but I don’t have one. I am signed up to AMD...
  3. Gibbo

    AMD WEEKEND ONLY DEAL 7900 XT FROM £729 !!!!

    Hi there So the bad news, AMD is ending our sell out rebate on the 7900 XT. :( The good news is they have given us additional support for upto end of this month, as such I've gone as aggressive as I can, primarily focusing on the Sapphire parts as I have 400 units of those, we hope to shift...
  4. Removed User 345456

    7900XT Owners, a favour please?

    Hi everyone, I didn't realise for the sake of £240 extra over buying a 6800XT, that I could get a 7900XT! Can someone do me a favour, can you do me a locked 60fps @ 1080p run on any of the following cyberpunk/TLOU/Dead Space Remake/Resi4 Remake and let me know what power draw it gets stock and...
  5. Removed User 345456

    SOLVED! 7900XT with a 5700X

    Sooo, from what I've red on people that actually own both/have tested cpu upgrades afterwards, there doesn't seem to be a bottleneck using a 5700x with a 7900XT... I figure I'm gonna go all out with this build now fack it, what's another £240 ontop of the 6800XT I was gonna buy eh! Given my...
  6. ElT

    New GPU (7900XT) system keeps crashing.

    I bought a Sapphire 7900XT (non-pulse version) and for the first week it was great. Rest of system specs are: CPU: Threadripper 1920 (not OC'd) M/board: MSI Meg x399 Creation PSU: Seasonic 850w Platinum GPU: Sapphire 7900XT (non-pulse, no factory or driver settings changed - just downloaded...
  7. Gibbo


    Hi there So today from 2pm you shall be able to order AMD's latest RX 7900 series graphics card in XT and XTX flavours. Be checking our website between 13:45 - 14:15 for order buttons going live. *ALL CARDS SHALL BE LISTED WITH ORDER BUTTONS - WE WILL TAKE A LIMITED NUMBER OF PRE-ORDERS*...
  8. Bilious

    Upgrade conundrum --> new GPU or new platform

    Hello, I currently run a 3700X + 5700xt on an MSI x570-A pro, gaming and doing office work at 4K120Hz. I had planned to get a 5800x3d and a 7900xt next month, and to put my old CPU and GPU in my son's B350 computer, which is currently running a 2400g on integrated graphics. However, after a day...
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