
  1. Richie

    Private Dashcam footage to be used by Welsh Police to prosecute

    A pilot initiative in a part of Wales allowed the public to submit Dashcam footage to the police who could then use the footage to start a prosecution case. This is now being extended to all of Wales - I have watched a fair bit of Dashcam footage and...
  2. linktoinsanity

    Police Speed Guns - How long before the ticket?

    Another "Speeding" thread. The difference is that I know it was my fault, I am just interested in knowing how long I have before I can breathe a sigh of relief and also how likely it is that I will get fined/ticketed? I was driving down a dual carriage way, overtaking some cars, the speedometer...
  3. mrk

    Blood Drive - Grindhouse gore comes to TV

    For fans of the genre of course, this looks like it could be pretty sweet, and very gory. Nice to have something like this to watch as opposed to the usual "safe" genres p
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